Sun Mar 26, 2006, 11:51 PM
I need some opinions on a new discus I added to my 50 gal tank.
I have three other discus in the tank, they are all chasing around this
new white one, any time it comes out in the open, even the smallest one. This is a planted tank, with auto CO2/PH controlled, so there are tons of plants for hiding behind.
Should I be worried, or give it about a week (it's been 24hrs now).
This was the largest at the store and there this one was doing the chasing, so I "thought" this one could handle my mean red discus.
The Red/Orange one is the one that chases ALL the other discus in the tank. Would you move this one to a new tank, or would this just make another discus the dominant one and have the same problem?
Thank you,
I have three other discus in the tank, they are all chasing around this
new white one, any time it comes out in the open, even the smallest one. This is a planted tank, with auto CO2/PH controlled, so there are tons of plants for hiding behind.
Should I be worried, or give it about a week (it's been 24hrs now).
This was the largest at the store and there this one was doing the chasing, so I "thought" this one could handle my mean red discus.
The Red/Orange one is the one that chases ALL the other discus in the tank. Would you move this one to a new tank, or would this just make another discus the dominant one and have the same problem?
Thank you,