View Full Version : Wrong movements
Tue Mar 21, 2006, 12:18 PM
Hello there! I have a red turq discus with a HITH & plague problem (I think), at the quarantine tank, and he is now at the recovery stage. However I did the mistake and added at the tank 2 newly bought corys, cause Ive read that they often carry the Hexa parasite.So I put them in the quarantine tank. They act and eat very normally.Do u think that I should keep them there or is it too risky to add them at the main tank. I really dont know what to do. I shouldnt put them at the quarantine from the beggining I think. Any thoughts or recs?
Tue Mar 21, 2006, 12:35 PM
not sure if they carry the hex parasite or not, alot of fish do in controlable amounts i think. they could however have a cocktail of ickies so it really is best to have them in the quarentine tank from the start, alot of things they may have will have already been transmitted if theyve been in the main tank. have they already been in there?
if not do the normal quarentine thing, watch em closely and keep all equip used seperate or clean with a mild bleach solution in between uses. some people even treat for both internal and external parasites before adding them into the main tank- even without signs, as they dont want to risk losing the existing fish.
if they have been in the main tank youve just gotta pray they dont have anything nasty and keep a good eye on all your fish.
Tue Mar 21, 2006, 08:06 PM
I havent moved them at the main tank yet. I keep them at the quarantine tank with the HITH-plague discus.
They dont have any signs of infections. In contrast they look very healthy. Im concerned if they may have been infected by the parasites that the discus carries. Im thinking of moving them the day after tommorow after they have recieved proper amounts of metronidazole and then starting the prayers:). Any thoughts?
Tue Mar 21, 2006, 11:47 PM
if they have hex the metro will get rid of it but not get rid of any other nasties they might have. its up to you really :)
Wed Mar 22, 2006, 06:46 AM
OK. Thanks! Ill move them tomorrow and Ill start the prayers:)If you like Ill let you know
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