View Full Version : larrys coming
Sun Mar 19, 2006, 11:24 AM
Hi all,
Just a thought befor larry come's knocking.As you have heard we have a cyclone 4 coming straight for us up here,if by chance my power gets cut off how long will my discus last without the filter and other things we need to keep our discus healthy.Also what should i do if i lose power.
thanks john
Sun Mar 19, 2006, 11:28 AM
you can buy systems called uninterupted power supply, something like that, im not %100 sure about it but you could possibly type it into google or check it out on ebay im not sure
all the best mate hope you and your fish are ok!
Sun Mar 19, 2006, 11:37 AM
Hi all,
Just a thought befor larry come's knocking.As you have heard we have a cyclone 4 coming straight for us up here,if by chance my power gets cut off how long will my discus last without the filter and other things we need to keep our discus healthy.Also what should i do if i lose power.
thanks john
Sadly they are expecting the cyclone to intensify to a category 5, which would mean a lot of damage is about to be done.
With 8-9 hours before it is due to strike I would be doing the following.
2. Prepare buckets or containers of aged water to use in case you lose power for some time, and water supplies are contaminated. (use anything you can, just ensure it is clean and has not been used with chemicals).
3. Do you have a battery operated air pump? If so that will come in very handy.
Being that you are in Nth Qld, water temperature wont be a huge issue, what you need to do if you are without power for sometime is small frequent water changes (every few hours). DO NOT FEED ANY FISH unless you and your property come through unscathed.
Other than that, we are wishing all our Nth Qld members and friends the best of luck, and hopefully minimal or no damage at all is done.
Sun Mar 19, 2006, 11:54 AM
Thanks all,
We have made sure we are prepared for the safety of the family 1st and now glued to the radio for updates, i'm sure we will be ok.Just thinking of the little fellows (discus) also,and good to know their is always someone on this forum with advice no matter what the situation is.I will get some buckets ready if it gets too bad.
thanks again john
Sun Mar 19, 2006, 12:29 PM
I wish you and your family the very best.... Please be careful!!!
Hope you are not too severely affected.... My thoughts are with all those up in Nth QLD...
Sun Mar 19, 2006, 01:06 PM
Hey Barra,
I hear after this Cns may be a little closer to Tvl, :lol: I have secured the shed as best i can, so hopefully all the little guys will be ok. In hindsight i managed to buy a small generator for the lads just in case power does go out for a couple of days. I agree best thing is to do a couple of water changes every once in a while, when you pour the water in make sure it causes alot of bubbles to oxygenate the water.I stopped feeding the lads this morning so as the tanks wont pollute too quickly. Winds are slowly picking up here and we shld be gale force in the next few hours.
:shock: All the best for the next 24 hours. Take care and talk soon. :)
Sun Mar 19, 2006, 01:40 PM
Good luck guys, be careful, we will all be thinking of you and hoping all is O.K.,
Sun Mar 19, 2006, 03:51 PM
Hi Pete,
I'm still up mate, yeh i belive we will be neighbours soon its getting rather windy here now and the rain is now pouring down.
All great advice and thanks for info guy's.Squid came around today and he bet's all our discus will spawn with all the rain, at least we will get something out of it even it's a nice green lawn :)
Catch you in the morn when Larry's here,
Sun Mar 19, 2006, 11:57 PM
Hope you guys are o.k. up there - I just read on the Internet News that Innisfail and Cairns are the worst hit and that the Cyclone Warning Centre has stated that Larry is the worst Cyclone ever in that area.
Also read that there is another one coming your way in the next few days.
I will be praying for you and your Fishies.,
Mon Mar 20, 2006, 12:29 AM
good luck you guys and keep safe!
Mon Mar 20, 2006, 02:56 AM
How did townsville go I have a mate up there,has it done much damage.
Hope all are well.
Mon Mar 20, 2006, 04:36 AM
Hi all,
Townsville has not took the worst of larry,we had and still have strong winds and rain but all ok here.I hope Pete up there in Carins is ok they seem to have got much more than we did.
Listening to the radio reports during the night Innisfail got the full force of it and people have lost their houses, i do hope they are ok up there.
Thanks to you all for the kind wishes,we just hope the next one on it's way is not as bad.
Mon Mar 20, 2006, 05:13 AM
They said on the tv that the next ones over 2000 km away from you at the moment,lets hope it goes another way.
Mon Mar 20, 2006, 06:14 AM
OMG - just saw the damage to Innisfail on the 5.00pm. News - the Poor buggers - it looks terrible.
Do we have any members there? If so, praying for them.
Mon Mar 20, 2006, 08:14 AM
On behalf of the admin and advisor team, our thoughts are with you all in the north.
Stay safe. We're all thinking of you and praying for a safe outcome.
Mon Mar 20, 2006, 11:39 AM
Thanks guys - our troubles aren't over yet though. Cyclone 'Wati' is aimed straight at Townsville and she'll be here by Thursday morning. Now Barra - if it all turns to worms and the power goes out, I have 4 spare 200lt tanks and battery operated pumps. A supply of clean fresh water wont be a problem I reckon!! I also have a fridge full of beer that has proven in the past to last 2 days depending on my thirst. Wati could be a problem though so we'll wait and see. I just got back from Pakistan, and now I'm off to Innisfail tomorrow to help out there in my trusty Black Hawk. No rest for the wicked
P.S. And mr Barra - did your Crystals breed? I had 2 pairs of wild stuff breed and 3 other pairs layed as well. You'll have to come over and have a look
Tue Mar 21, 2006, 12:35 AM
IM BACK!! :D Dont think im that easy to get rid of people lol. Well, that was a bit of excitement. Glad to say the lads are all ok and have a few extra additions, thinking of calling them Larry 1 to Larry 100. The ponds are surprisingly good and no fish swimming around in the yard :shock:. Innisfail as everyone has mentioned is in a very bad way and Cairns has alot of damage as well. We started to get cyclonic winds about 0700 yesterday morning and from there it went downhill very quickly. Was surprised we did not get more damage. Power came back on in my area last night ( thxs Ergon Energy) but alot of other parts of Cns cld be out of power for up to a week. Decided not to unpack until after cyclone Wati decides where it is going. Thxs for all your support guys and next time think i will just put a stamp on a discus and mail them to you southerners :D at least we will know they will be safe.
Tue Mar 21, 2006, 09:03 AM
Hi guy's,
Nice to see that your ok up there Pete and all is ok, i was thinking of your ponds and if any fish would now be Carins wild discus.when nothing was posted by you i thought the power would have gone.
Hey squid i knew you were on your way up to innisfail as you and your 2 mates flew over me just after you took off so it was not hard to figure it out.Yeh you were spot on they did have a batch of eggs but how long they will last in there? mate will have to sort out a tank for them so you can have some off them also.Nice on the tanks and battery operated pumps lets hope it will not come to that,but your fridge must be better than mine as mine never lasts 2 days in any situation :lol:
Fly safe and cant wait to see them wilds with eggs and can i put my name down 1st if all go well with them.
ps Pete i cant belive Squid will get there befor me :(
Tue Mar 21, 2006, 09:43 AM
Glad to hear you guys are ok!!! :D :D
Hope Wati decides to head in a different direction......
bye for now
Fri Mar 24, 2006, 08:12 AM
Glad to hear everything was ok John!
and Glad to have you back here Tony!
now where is that cold one......
Fri Mar 24, 2006, 09:48 AM
glad u guys r ok and everyone survives!!!
on a happier note we r getting nice 3 meter surf here heheheehehe Wati is pushing it over lol. i hope Wati doesnt hit us thoagh.
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