View Full Version : Any Ideas?

Sat Mar 18, 2006, 09:41 PM
Hi Guys
Have just done a test on my new cycling 4ft Aqua 1, that has been cycling for 2 weeks with rocks, wood, 10 neons, 2 peppered corys and various plants.
I have not had a reading of ammonia as yet, however this morning decided to do a reading of nitrites, and nitrates.This is the result.

Ammonia 0,ppm
Nitrites .25 ppm
Nitrates 5.0 ppm
Ph 6.8 stable for the 2 weeks

I thought I would be getting some sort of Ammonia reading by now, seeing as I have a Nitrite and Nitrate reading any thoughts would be appreciated.


Sat Mar 18, 2006, 09:56 PM
In that sized tank, with that amount of fish, the ammonia level would be lucky to register. (not much waste).

My suggestion would be to add a liquid biostarter over the next 4-5 days then all should be fine for larger fish. Or, add more small fish to increase the bio-load.

btw, nice looking setup

Sat Mar 18, 2006, 10:10 PM
Hey Proteus
Thanks for the quick reply,I have been told that it could take up to 3 months to cycle this tank with the amount of bio load Im feeding it, so as you can see I'm in no rush to get it up and running, I'm just taking my time with this one.

I gather that as the ammonia develops the nitrites are gobbleing it up so it is not going to have a chance to spike, does that sound correct? If I leave it what will be the result will it never cycle or will it gradually get there? Hope you can answer that lot.
cheers Ashley :?

Sat Mar 18, 2006, 10:14 PM
It will eventually cycle, but when adding new fish it will have to be done very gradually so as not to cause a spike in the water chemistry.

Sat Mar 18, 2006, 10:28 PM
Thats ok I think I may just hang-on and let nature take its course and let it sort itsself out, everything in the tank is happy and ticking along nicely. Thanks for your help, I will let you know how it all ends up.
PS, Nice looking fish and nice clean looking tanks Your album.

Sun Mar 19, 2006, 04:01 AM
I agree with Proteus, it's probably too soon to see an ammonia reading, particularly if you've been changing the water.

Not sure why you've got a nitrite and nitrate reading. Could be something to do with the plants and driftwood.

Just keep going the way you are, and you will eventually have a small bacteria colony working, but you will only be able to add one fish at a time, and then allow the size of the colony to catch up with the extra workload.

Sun Mar 19, 2006, 06:47 PM
Thanks for the reply Merrilyn,
Will continue as I am, I havnt done any water changes at this stage. Would you advise a water change or wait until the tank has finished cycling. I thought the bio load would build up quicker without a water change.