Fri Mar 17, 2006, 08:46 PM
Hi All,
I have been told that having any sort of catfish with discus is a risky business as they can suck the slime coat off them in the night. This results in faint white spots eventually making them sick.
I've also been told the only catfish that doesn't do this is the Whiptail or Royal Whiptail Catfish.
Is this right? And how much of a concern is this?
Sat Mar 18, 2006, 01:41 AM
I don't have plecos in my tank just for that reason.
I have few attos, they are small enough and don't bother the discus.
Sat Mar 18, 2006, 02:03 AM
i have many bristlenoses with my discus. i have 2 gibbiceps that are getting on 25cm with many discus, whiptail etc. never had a problem. i think part of it is keeping the fish well fed as mine are constantly getting lots of nutricious food and water changes they are great. i would not be concerned about any bristlenoses or ottos eating the slime coat, more the bigger pleco's and more boistrous fish.
if a sucker gets a taste for discus slime thoagh it will never stop harrassing the discus and may never get rid of its habit. the easiest way to make sure the plecs dont get into this habit is to keep them in a tank with planty of space. something large enough for them to grow to full size but have their space. get a small one and grow it yourself so you are not buying one that will chew up your discus. give them plenty of food and water changes and it should be fine.
just MHO
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