View Full Version : 6 ... no make that 10 Mixed Discus in a 4ft Tank **UPDATED**

Fri Feb 24, 2006, 06:09 AM
Hi All,

I am new to this but i want to share my pics of my discus and if anyone can tell me anything about them that would be cool, i have no idea on sexes for example.


Fri Feb 24, 2006, 06:12 AM
Since i am not sure how to post pics properly here yet, i have done it this way :)

Fri Feb 24, 2006, 08:44 AM
Hi Rob, and a very warm welcome to the forum. Your tank is lovely, and your fish look happy and healthy.

I believe that first fish is a Blue Ghost, very pretty and unusual colouration. As far as the sex of the fish goes, there is absolutely no way of telling at this age. Even adult fish are almost imposssible to sex, so I'm afraid there's no chance of telling you the sex of these juveniles. :P

Your little snakeskin may surprise you, and grow into a lovely fish. I have found that the colour on blue snakeskins is very slow to come in, so just give this little guy some good food, good water and a bit more time.

jim from sydney
Fri Feb 24, 2006, 10:12 AM
Hi Rob...nice set up you have there Pal...and welcome......is this your first discus attempt and what camera did you use for these top shots???Jim

Fri Feb 24, 2006, 10:33 AM
not quite my first attempt i had a few disasters last year but i have persevered, i lost a few but the red survived the holocaust as it were, and is now just over a year old, i have an older picture here from last year, the other five i have got over the last two months.

He had very red eyes when he was young and now they are more yellow gold, any ideas why ? is it to do with food etc ?

Fri Feb 24, 2006, 10:42 AM
A golden eye is just normal colouration. Some fish have red eyes and some have golden eyes. Both is correct. Your young fish may have been fed colour food before you got him which made the eye colour red.

Once he came to you, and the red colour food was stopped, his eye has returned to normal colour.

Fri Feb 24, 2006, 11:08 AM
food with high iron or astaxanthin will normally bring the redness back.

Fri Feb 24, 2006, 11:23 AM
Cool thanks, for that, although i do like the eyes better now, the red was a little too evil :twisted:

in answer to an earlier question i used a olympus digital camera, photography is an old hobby of mine, i dont do it much now, but its like riding a bike as it were, it just takes time, patience and a lot of bad shots :? it took me the better part of an hour to get reasonable pics, there were at least 90 other bad shots

another question is, how long till these guys reach full maturity and how long till they get close to full size ? is a 48x14x18 tank big enough for six ?

Fri Feb 24, 2006, 11:24 AM
You have some really pretty fish there and your tank is lovely... :D

Fri Feb 24, 2006, 11:33 AM
thanks for that guys i am glad you all like it :)

the cabinet was actually done by my girlfriend who is also an avid discus fan, she painted it up :) the mottled effect looks cool hey :)

I have some neon tetras, phantom tetras, rasboras, a bristle nose, some cories, some kuhli loaches a bumble bee catfish and a bolivian ram pair in there :)

also here are pics of the more interesting tank mates, the bristlenose and the bolivian pair

jim from sydney
Sat Feb 25, 2006, 10:14 AM
can i borrow your "cabinet-making" girlfriend for a while???????LOL

Sun Feb 26, 2006, 02:57 AM
Your girlfriend has done a great job with the Cabinet - it looks really unusual. Nice change from the Ordinary brown cabinets!!



jim from sydney
Sun Feb 26, 2006, 03:47 AM
Heh Marg.....who are these two :lol: smiling faces??? :lol: ??JIm
oh and by the way.....that great looking discus ......not mine i wish it was...am only nursing it......Jim

Sun Feb 26, 2006, 04:19 AM
Looking good


Sun Feb 26, 2006, 04:42 AM
Hi Jim,

The two smiling faces are : Number (1) - my 7 year old grandaughter. I have 11 grandchildren - 8 girls and 3 boys, but she is my favourite. I know you shouldn't have favourites but there's just something about her that I find irresistible. If I don't see her everyday she rings me up instead, so we are very close.

Her name is Tahlia Kayte and she is the most priceless little princess ever - very pretty, really kindhearted and has impeccible manners and is smart as a whip. She attends the Wagga Catholic College (although she is not Catholic) and is in year 2, and we are very pleased with her progress at school.

I have had a lot of major health problems in the past 5 years and she has proved to be an excellent nurse, although she tells me that when she finishes school she intends to be a Chiropractor like her Stepfather. At 7 years old she already has her whole life planned - says she is going to America to study to be a Chiropractor, then she is going to open a practice and once she makes enough money she will buy a farm with two houses (one for me and one for her). We will have plenty of animals (including Horses beacause many years ago I was a very competitive rider in local shows) and she will have a gardener (because by then I will be a bit old to do a lot of gardening) and she will buy me a dishwasher so that i don't have to wash up - (me biased - noooo!!).

Tahlia is also a real animal lover like me - I have 2 dogs of my own (a 12 year old Poodle and a 6 month old Shar Pei), 1 Ragdoll Cat, and all my Fish. In addition, Tahlia's Fox Terrier Dog and her grey Moggy Cat live with me.

For the time being she is a clothes-a-holic, can't leave the house without her lipgloss, and is attending dancing classes so that she can dance like Brittney Spears!!.

I could bore you silly raving on about her, but she is best described as being "the love of my life'!!.

And number (2)? little Ole Moi- and you know all about me - a madcap animal freak who just happens to love Discus Fish!!!!!.

Do you have any Grandchildren? If you don't, you don't know what you are missing. A lot of people say they love their grandchildren because they can have fun with them then hand them back but I don't - I say that they keep me young (53 years young to be exact), and the more time that I can spend with them the younger I feel, hence the big smile on my dial :) :) :) .

Hope you haven't gone to sleep by now.,



Thu Mar 02, 2006, 06:08 AM
Thanks for the comments all, makes me feel like i am doing something right :)

I have added two new Discus, a wild blue female and a snakeskin male as well i have just added 4 gorgeous little blue rams to round it out :)


Sun Mar 05, 2006, 07:39 AM
Thanks for the comments all, makes me feel like i am doing something right :)

Well i added two new discus as shown in another thread

and i have just added these little beauties to round it out :)

your rams are so nice, where can i buy ??

Sun Mar 05, 2006, 09:40 AM
Lams aquarium in parramatta

Fri Mar 10, 2006, 07:25 AM
I have added two more gorgeous Discus :) They are from the same tank as the Large Snake and the Wild Blue .... and i swear they all remember each other :) they are an Ocean Green and a Pigeon Blood, if anyone has ideas of sex let me know :)

I hope you enjoy the photos :)