View Full Version : 2 Heaters Diff Reading???

Wed Feb 22, 2006, 08:56 AM
Hi guys,

I got 2 heaters, 250W and 300W, both are set @ 28 degree, i also got 2 thermostate (digital reading).
For some reading i can't get both thermostate to read correctly e.g the left hand tank one is always higher then the right hand side one


jim from sydney
Wed Feb 22, 2006, 09:17 AM
Manufacturer's tolerances in design will almost always give you a variable read-out and variations as after-all that what is the meaning of tolerances.
I have 2 heaters in my tank as well. You can easily solve the problem by setting one of them to the req'rd temp, say 28C and than placing the therm. midway between the 2 heaters. Never will the 2 heaters be activated at the same time however if the first one comes on, wait 1 min or so then adjust the second one to just come on, and from then on you will find both will come on fairly close to each other. check your temp. of course regularly for a while to make sure all is well......works for me....try...Jim