View Full Version : trickel fillter
Wed Jun 30, 2004, 11:34 PM
i want to make a trickel fillter how hard is it to make one of them and what stuff do i need i have a bugdet of $ 250.00 and ware do u by it from in vic
discman :twisted:
Thu Jul 01, 2004, 12:38 AM
Ok first thing you want to make is a bio tower. Best way to do this is too cut the bottom out of buckets and put a egg grate along the bottom of the bucket. You can get the egg grate from floor and ceiling supplies at bunnings. Add bio balls to one and on the top you make a drip plate to spread the water over the bio balls. If you like to over kill, like me you can add extra buckets containing other media. Then you will need a nice size tub that the bio tower will sit in. At the bottom of the bio tower there should be a hole or a side cut out for the water too flow into the the tub. Then we a have a nice pump in the bottom of the sump (Tub), that pushes the water back into the tank.
Now for the over flow you will need some 20mm pvc pipe and a ' T ' piece and another elbow piece. Next to the tank you will have a verticle piece of pvc pipe that the top will be even with the tank. The bottom will be closed off. Now where you want you water level too be you place you ' T ' piece into the verticle pvc. Where ever this 'T' piece is, is where the water level will stay in the tank. Now you need a pyhon tube from the tank into the over flow you want the tube and the over flow to fit nicely into the other as it will need the water to go back up the pvc and into the over flow.
Once that is setup you just make an elbow join from the 'T' downwards and continue it too the top of your bio tower.
Now you can have a rotating arm which spreads the water evenly, but because you have a drip plate it shouldnt be needed, hint - if you leave the holes in the middle of the drip plate so the water bounces off this and spreads futher too the edges of the plate.
So basically what is happening is - the pump is pumping the water into the tank, this makes the water level rise so the water then goes into the overflow, which continues down too the bio tower and into the sump again.
Ill try do a little sketch, they arnt that hard to make and they are a very effective filter.
Really its up to your imagination.
Fri Jul 02, 2004, 09:50 AM
gravity feed only.
buy an old food drum (44 gallon drum)
i use plastic ones (see photo)
thier are lots of place s you can get these free ( when someone tells you different tell them they havn't treid hard enough )
simplely, (check the diagram)
particle filter
bio filter
the particle filter will need to be surpported by a perferrated plate to allow a even water flow. this plate can be left up to your imagination or budget. it will need to be fixed to the side of the drum, try for a series of plastic pins.
you will need a plate to distribute the water evenly over the bio balls
bio balls will need to be surpported by another perferrated plate. this will allow water to the sump.
you will need one bulk head / "tank through" at the base to alow axcess out of the sump. a few elbows and piping.........
it can also hold an awful lot of water if thier ever is a gravity problem
try this method to get water out of your tank (IF YOU DON'T WANT TO CUT A HOLE IN YOUR TANK(see photo)) ...
NOTE##### THIS PIPING SYTEM METIONED (and photoed) DOES NOT COPE WITH MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF WATER. a bulk head will do a better job but this invloves cutting glass and fittings etc etc etc
Sat Jul 03, 2004, 07:43 AM
been having problems posting pics
i think thier to big
but i can't reduce them
will keep trying
Sat Jul 03, 2004, 10:35 PM
pic one is a diagram of the drum trickle system
pic two is a drums i have found
pic three is a pic of the tank over flow i mentioned at the end of my post
i would also like to thank proteus for his help in downsizing the pics
Wed Jul 07, 2004, 03:10 AM
:) thanks boys
scott i made the stand i have
2 2fters and 1 3fter on the bottom
this is y i need a filter for will it run thes
u have u made one so it is not that hard
i will have to come and have a look at your
thanks for your help
(Richard) :twisted:
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