View Full Version : Should i invest in a Digital Ph Pen PH-03 ( I )???

Sat Feb 11, 2006, 05:47 AM
Guys, i am a bit of a lazy person BUT i love my Discus dearly :D
Anyway i was thinking of gettting a Digital Ph Pen PH-03 ( I ) from http://www.aquariumproducts.com.au, i am just wondering how often do you need to test for PH?? every week or everytime went you do water change???
Beside Digital PH what else do i need???
Can someone in here list all the test i need for my tank??

Cheers :)

Sat Feb 11, 2006, 06:30 AM
I love my digital pH pen and use it all the time. So quick and easy if you have multiple tanks. The prices are very reasonable at the moment, so I think it's a good investment.

The test kits you must have are"-

pH or pH pen






You may like to get others, if you have a planted tank, but every discus keeper should have all of the above test kits.

Sat Feb 11, 2006, 06:41 AM
Does KH and GH come as a digital PH pen???
lol i am so lazy!
Also how often do i need to test it???

Sat Feb 11, 2006, 07:27 AM
LOL nice try DM. Yeah in fact you can get a TDS pen (total dissolved solids) which will give you a similar reading.

How often ? Hmm well I do pH at every water change, and when I think the fish look a bit unhappy, I'll test for ammonia and nitrate. Usually there is an elevated reading of one or the other.

Fry grow out tanks are tested all the time for ammonia. Any reading of ammonia will kill them very quickly.

Sat Feb 11, 2006, 09:18 AM
Digital PH testers are a must have!

Just remember its a good idea to re-calabrate them every few weeks.


Sat Feb 11, 2006, 07:41 PM
I use my digital PH tester all the time. I test it for every water change (both tank water and holding tank water). After a day I test the tank water again to make sure the PH did not shoot up.

Since I'm color blind, digital is the only way to go. Yeah, trying to ask my wife about the color strips/charts every time I do the test is going to drive both of us crazy.

One thing I'm not sure is how oftern you will have to caliberate it. I somethings have the feeling that my readings may not be correct.