View Full Version : Discus Buffer
Fri Feb 10, 2006, 11:49 PM
Has anyone used this product? It claims to lower PH and soft water at the same time. I'm using peat to soft my water and lower PH. If I can use this product, it willl be much easier. I have to treat my water for more than 6 hours to soft it and lower the ph to about 7.2
What's the difference between PH Down and Discus buffer? I know PH Done does not work in my case because the PH shoot back to 8.3 in a day or so after I used it. Would Discus Buffer be different?
Sat Feb 11, 2006, 01:02 AM
i prefer not to use many chemicals. if the peat works well for you then i suggest you keep using it. to use all the buffers etc costs a lot of money after a short while.
Sat Feb 11, 2006, 01:30 AM
I have tried the seachem discus buffer and find it an excellent product!
It will lower the Ph as well as the hardness of the water so it stabilizes the water at a lower PH and will not shoot back up.
Although it is expensive, i paid $50 for 1 kilo it is easy to use and will last a while.
Whilst peat is good to use, there will be a lot of "touch and go" to work out the right balance.
Sat Feb 11, 2006, 05:52 PM
I was considering a buffer to. Does anyone use or has used this with discus?;category_id=2237;pcid 1=2207;pcid2=
Sat Feb 11, 2006, 07:04 PM
Thanks Ben. I will try it out in combinations with peat first. Peat is not cheap too. I use about $3 of peat for every water change. That adds up very quickly since I change 40% of water every 5 days (about $220 per year just for peat!)
On top of that, I will have to wait air and treatthe water 5-6 hours before it is ready.
Do you have to wait for hours before water is ready when use Discus Buffer?
One kg for $50 sounds too much. Here is a on line store I buy things from all the time and they have it for about $15 per kg
According to the site, 1 kilo should treat about 3200 gallons of water, which easily last me for a year. Compare with the $220 for peat, I think it is a bargain! I'm going to give it a try for sure.
Sat Feb 11, 2006, 08:30 PM
ok, timely reminder...
PLEASE, place your locations (even at least country) in your profiles.
AU$50 for 1kg Discus Buffer is a good price down here (which equates to approx US$38)
Sun Feb 12, 2006, 07:08 PM
I just read it from the Seachem Site. This product is a phosphate based buffer. Since I have a planted tank. Is that going to get my alge grwoing like crazy? I don't want that for sure. I turn my lights 12 hours a day.
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