View Full Version : Jurapari with Discus?
Fri Feb 10, 2006, 05:22 AM
Me and my dad are building a 250 gal. acrylic tank which we are planning on centering around discus, of course. It will heavily planted and filled with driftwood.
We'll be putting some tetras in there, but I was wondering if anyone has experiance with Geo. Jurapari with Discus. I have a pair of them in a 55 gal. that are getting torn up now that their tankmates(geo. brasiliensis) have gotten large.
They have always seemed so peaceful to me, but I was wondering if their would be any problems putting the two of them would do good in the tank with 6 to 8 discus?
Mon Mar 06, 2006, 05:28 AM
Talk to me, people!! :lol:
Mon Mar 06, 2006, 06:03 AM
O.K. Freyer,
I am not familiar with Jurapari (otherwise known as Devil Fish) - scientific name Satanoperca juraperici, but after reading some of my Fish Books, here's what I have been able to glean :
These fish are large (grow to 25cm), active and liable to undermine any rock or wood structures in the tank. They are diggers and will definately disturn you substrate. They are also noted to be agressive Fish (related to Oscars which are a definate no-no with Discus) - with all that in mind, I would most definately keep them seperate from my Discus..
Discus are peaceful, quiet types of Fish - their best Tankmates are the larger Tetras, Cardinals, Bristlenose, Clown Loaches and Knifefish.
Hope this helps.
Senior and more experienced Discus Keepers, correct me if I am wrong.,
Tue Mar 07, 2006, 04:22 AM
Contrary to that, I find that among the earth eaters, I would most likely say yes to the Satanoperca sp in a discus tank.
The most commonly available is S.leucosticta (often wrongly called S.jurupari).... They're quite gentle and shouldn't harm your discus in a large tank. They will however dig quite a bit as they are natural "sand sifters".
Tue Mar 07, 2006, 04:48 AM
Thanks for clearing that up Kev.
As I said in my post, I am not familiar with these Fish and the only information I could find was in a book called "The Tropical Freshwater Problem Solver" by Gina Sandford, page 75 titled "Large Amazonians" and it didn't give any real information about these Fish other than to note their size and their destructive habits in a planted tank.
It did say that problems can occur when some of the species start to stake out a breeding territory and that is what made me think that they mightn't be a good mix with Discus. That and the fact that there was a picture of an Oscar on the Page.
Do you have any pictures of these Fish? I am curious to see what they look like.
Tue Mar 07, 2006, 05:03 AM
Thankfully, not even close to being like Oscars. I don't understand why they are called Demonfish, seeing as I have never had a nicer Cichlid.
Satanoperca leucosticta is what I have, just to me Jurupari is easier to remember. :lol: In my opinion, nicer looking than actual Jurupari. And I agree, very beatiful fish and I hope they'll go great with my discus.
Thanks for the help, just checking that there wasn't some reason to keep them separate.
Marg, putting S.leucosticta or Jurupari into Google gives some good pics if your still looking (all satanoperca look pretty similar, so these 2 will give you a good idea).
Tue Mar 07, 2006, 06:19 AM
Hi freyr,
Did as you said and went to Google and had a look - stunning looking Fish!
Wish I'd gone there before I put my foot in my mouth :oops: ,
Fri Mar 31, 2006, 10:33 PM
Hi Guys,
I've just added 4 red roses in with my adult Satanoperca Leucosticas and they're one big happy family! The discus are a little shy when eating and the Leucosticas eat like there's no tomorrow. Just make sure your discus get enough to eat by placing food where the discus tend to hang out.
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