View Full Version : Discus Not Eating SOS Part Two
Mon Jan 30, 2006, 10:02 PM
Hi all,
I treated my Blue Discus for HEXIMATA with Flagyl for 3 days 30% water change with medication on 12 hours inteval.
Finally Blue Discus is back in the Community tank BUT everytime i feed them the Blue Discus just hide under the driftwood...any reasons why this is happening??? should i put it back to the hospital tank and increase the medication???
Thanks for any input
Tue Jan 31, 2006, 04:19 AM
Did the fish show an improvement while in the hospital tank. Did the white poos change to a normal colour, and was the fish eating.
I like to keep mine in the hospital tank till they are showing signs of health and eating normally again, before returning them to the community tank.
I'ts possible your fish may need a 5 day course of treatment, and some severe cases can take up to 10 days before things return to normal.
Tue Jan 31, 2006, 06:22 AM
Hi ladyred,
I went to one of the aquarium, and was advise to set the temp to 33 degree and use one tablet for a 10 litre tank.
Also i just got tempted and got another 4 Discus, now it's in the quaranteen tank, it got air stone and a heater BUT no filter...would that be a problems? or 30% of water change per day would do the tricks???? and how often should i be feeding the new Discus?? since there is not filter in my tank now???
Cheers :)
Thu Feb 02, 2006, 05:57 AM
Ahhh discus maniac, yes I know how you feel. Many times I have gone to an aquarium shop just to "look" and come home with some new friends.
Your fish in the hospital tank will be fine without a filter, just so long as you do big daily waterchanges to keep the ammonia under control. A light feeding once a day is all you will need while the fish is in the hospital tank. If you can add medication to the food, so much the better.
Thu Feb 02, 2006, 06:29 AM
Ahhh discus maniac, yes I know how you feel. Many times I have gone to an aquarium shop just to "look" and come home with some new friends.
Your fish in the hospital tank will be fine without a filter, just so long as you do big daily waterchanges to keep the ammonia under control. A light feeding once a day is all you will need while the fish is in the hospital tank. If you can add medication to the food, so much the better.
Thanks once again Merrilyn for you info.
My sister is going to set up her own tank soon :roll: .
Anyway she's thinking of getting one of the filter, Fluval 304, Fluval 305, Eheim 2213, or secome marathon 2000.
What would you recommened her to get?? her tank is around 250 litres.
Cheers :)
Thu Feb 02, 2006, 07:25 AM
I like the eheim product. I know they are expensive, but I've had eheims running for years, without even so much as a leaking hose.
I've also heard good reports about the Marathon filters. Maybe some members are running those filters on their tanks, and can give you further information.
Fri Feb 03, 2006, 08:24 AM
Merrilyn where can i get Spirulina powder, i am thinking of making my own food for the cute Discus using your recipe :D
Sun Feb 05, 2006, 08:02 AM
any health food store will have it
Tue Feb 07, 2006, 06:46 AM
My Blue Discus suffered from HEX had been in the hospital tank for 2 days already :(
I had increase my medicine using half a table for 9 litres of water and do 30% W/C for every 8 hrs with new dose of medicine.
I noticing the fish fading to a very light colour, can anyone tell me whether the condition getting better or worse ???
Till now he is relunctant to eat any food even live shrimp.
Thank advanced for any input!
Tue Feb 07, 2006, 11:04 AM
May i also add how come everytime when i turn on the tank light...all my fish would go into hiding??? is my light tube to strong?? i will check how many Watts first thing tomorrow monring.
Ain't i purpose to turn on the tank light for minimum 8 hrs a day???
I don't what happen to my tank....but my plant start to have this dots all over the leaves ?
Cheers :)
Mon Mar 20, 2006, 09:13 PM
My blus Discus have also recently stopped eating and started hiding under hte drift wood I have no idea whats goign on with them.
Tue Mar 21, 2006, 12:21 PM
when you turn on the lights do you let natural light get to them for around half an hour first? if not itd be like shining a metal halide in your eyes to wake you up, youd get a bit of a fright lol. when i have my lights on i have natural light for half an hour, turn the lights on and when i turn them off leave my ceiling light on for around half an hour after so they can all do their bits and pieces before they go into darkness.
normally for plants youd want around 12 hours a day cause it takes about 2 hours for them to really start photsynthisizing im told.s
sorry i cant be of more help to the sickness, but if you only had them in the hospital tank for 2 days treating for hex i dont think it would be cured, normally 5-10 days is used
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