Sun Jan 29, 2006, 12:46 PM
Well today I took the trek to Crockys place...(actually it was a really nice leisurely 2 and a half hour drive) and got myself some bubs....
they are about 9weeks old approx.... and we are hoping that they will grow up to look like their mums... One a Brown and one a solid blue snakeskin... and a little little surprise packet who we think will end up a blue snakeskin as well.....
any way here are some pics.... I also got some bolivian rams off Brad and have some photos of them too....
Please note that I took these photos about 10mins after popping in tank so they will probably look nicer once they have relaxed...
First pic of my babies... they are about the size of 20-50cnt piece and the smallest is about the size of a 10cnt piece.. just to give you an idea of size.
what we think will be brown...
what we think will be solid blue snakeskin to the right of pic
just a couple of shots of all three...
Now my rams....
and finally...
Now I just have to make sure they all grow big and strong!!!! :D
they are about 9weeks old approx.... and we are hoping that they will grow up to look like their mums... One a Brown and one a solid blue snakeskin... and a little little surprise packet who we think will end up a blue snakeskin as well.....
any way here are some pics.... I also got some bolivian rams off Brad and have some photos of them too....
Please note that I took these photos about 10mins after popping in tank so they will probably look nicer once they have relaxed...
First pic of my babies... they are about the size of 20-50cnt piece and the smallest is about the size of a 10cnt piece.. just to give you an idea of size.
what we think will be brown...
what we think will be solid blue snakeskin to the right of pic
just a couple of shots of all three...
Now my rams....
and finally...
Now I just have to make sure they all grow big and strong!!!! :D