Fri Jan 27, 2006, 01:47 AM
Hey everyone
This is my first set up and i was just wondering what everyone thought of undergravel filters.The pump i have on it is powerful and i think the discus are not to keen on it. i have tried pushing the water flow thing into the back of the tank so it doesnt make such a big current. They tend to stick to the bottom and the back of the tank.But they are healthy and fine any suggestions in fixing the current problem.
This is my first set up and i was just wondering what everyone thought of undergravel filters.The pump i have on it is powerful and i think the discus are not to keen on it. i have tried pushing the water flow thing into the back of the tank so it doesnt make such a big current. They tend to stick to the bottom and the back of the tank.But they are healthy and fine any suggestions in fixing the current problem.