View Full Version : all in 5 months

Fri Jan 27, 2006, 01:23 AM
Hi all, this is my 1st tank 5 months ago it was in a ladys house i was painting, fishless, full of algae with a few rocks.With the help of this forum and lfs this is what i have come up with.I have only ever kept a couple of goldfish as a boy.I hope you like it.

Fri Jan 27, 2006, 01:35 AM
very nice good job. What plant is the red looking one?

Fri Jan 27, 2006, 01:36 AM
very nice good job. What plant is the red looking one?

Fri Jan 27, 2006, 02:54 AM
WOW!!! it looks like you have a tree growing out of the tank...COOL 8-)
And I would also like to know what that plant is...

ps. the fish are beautiful too!!! :D

Fri Jan 27, 2006, 02:08 PM
Congratulations barramundi. You've done a wonderful job on that tank. The plant growth is amazing and your fish look stunning.

Well done.

Fri Jan 27, 2006, 10:41 PM
Hi all, thanks for the comments.Sorry the pics are not that good but i'm a shocker with a camera.Need the kids to work the thing !! The red plant is a red lotus, well that was what it was called when i bought it.I do add a liquid fertilizer once a week and also have a diy co2.Here is another pic it might be better to see it.One thing i wish the discus would stay still !!!..............john

Fri Jan 27, 2006, 11:36 PM
great pic!! :D

what can you tell us any issues experienced??

Did you or do you have am algae problem?

how often do you gravel clean?

what constitutes a water change for you? 50%? 20 % how often?

what lights do you use?

did you experience any plant die off? your parameters how do you maintain them? do plants make things harder?

thanks for your time and effort!

jim from sydney
Sat Jan 28, 2006, 03:10 AM
great work...love the plants......Jim

Sat Jan 28, 2006, 03:15 AM
Looks great, thanks for sharing

Tue Jan 31, 2006, 11:17 AM
Hi Nick, thanks for comment.

The only problem i had is the 1st couple of discus i bought from a pet shop had the discus disease,and died shortly afterwards. Big mistake just buying from anywhere and too eager to put fish in tank.Also puting lots of aquarium salt in for disease killed off most of the plants.So i knew by the amazon swords and chain sword,lotus and crypts that survived they were the most hardy and best to just stay with them.

I have never had an algae problem as at 1st i put in a lot of fast growing plants to use up any excess nutrients.I have 3 four ft 40watt aqua-glo lights.I leave the lights on for 10 hrs a day.

I do a 25% water change every 4 days at which time i skim over the gravel with a vacuum ,i do not disturb the gravel so not to damage the plants roots.

I do not think it has made it harder to maintain my aquarium having plants in it ,as they seem to look after themselfs, its only the fast growing ones,
i found i was always having to trim them.When i first put the amazon and other plants in i put an ezi grow plant food ball under each one.At each water change i add a liquid fertilizer it seems to keep them nice and green.

The tank is 4x2x2 and i have a resun 2500 plus a fluval 304 for filters. I clean 1 filter every 2 weeks so it is a month for each filter.In the 304 i have some pouches for control of ammonia and nitrate. This keeps my nitrate at around 7-10ppm ,ammonia 0, Ph is at 6.8, and my temp is at 31c due to lights.

At present i have 10 discus ,2sae, 2 clown loaches,1 brissell nose cat fish.

I hope this answers your questions Nick and is of some intrest.


Tue Jan 31, 2006, 11:28 AM
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions

You have once again made me think about having planted tanks!!

best of wishes , look forward to seeing how this tank develops

Tue Jan 31, 2006, 11:13 PM
I think you tank looks fantastic.

I especially like the mixture of colour with the fish and plants and the way you have situated the timber in the water.

Is that a planted backgrown attached to the back of the tank. It give a great effect as oppose to painting black or blue.

Excellent work.

jim from sydney
Wed Feb 01, 2006, 04:40 AM
Great Job

Wed Feb 01, 2006, 06:06 AM
thats awsome im going to set upa 4 foot discus tank in a few months

Thu Feb 02, 2006, 05:34 AM
Hi all , yes it is a planted background i have attatched to the rear of the tank.I think it looks better than a painted one ,with having a planted tank and they are cheap.
