View Full Version : Sick discus.... help
Wed Jan 18, 2006, 04:48 AM
I have a discus that stays hidden for the most part. He has darkened up quite a bit too. However, he is still eating. His back fin and part of his body connected to it have changed to a lighter shade. Can anyone recommend any medication or does anyone have any idea what it may be??
Thanks for any info. in advance! :?
Wed Jan 18, 2006, 06:02 AM
Hi There,
So you have a discus that is:
- Hiding and reclusive
- Still eating
- Darkened colour
I will need a bit more info so if you could just answer the following for me:
1) Have you noticed if the fish is still able to poo ? If so - what colour is it?
2) Is the fish breathing a lot faster than usual?
3) Is there any slime/mucous that is visible on the fish?
4) Lastly, could you post your water paramters (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH please)
Thu Jan 19, 2006, 05:30 AM
Thank you for helping out. The sick fish appears to breath well. I have not been able to look at his poo. Also, I have not seen any slime/mucous on him. These are the water parameters ph 7.0 ; Ammonia 0; and nitrate 10.
I hope this helps. Maybe its a fungus??
Thu Jan 19, 2006, 06:57 AM
Try to look in the next few days for poop and what it looks like.
In the meantime - I would add 1 tablespoon of ROCK or SEA salt (not table salt with iodine in it) to the tank at a rate of 1 tablespoon per 20 litres.
Keep us all posted with any news...
Fri Jan 20, 2006, 02:32 AM
Hello again,
Last night, I did a water change (20 percent). Today, I noticed that he was more active, lighter color(not as dark) , and still eating. Although, he spit out some bloodworms. Also, there is clear to white color poo coming from him. The diameter is normal but the color???
Any recommendations??
thanks again,
Fri Jan 20, 2006, 11:25 AM
possible hex symptom..... just hang in there for moment, continue regular water change.... one of our mods should be able to help you out... meanwhile you could check out some of the threads re: hex and see if he is displaying other symptoms....
maybe you can post a photo , this sometimes helps the expert guys/girls to make a diagnosis..
Sun Jan 22, 2006, 04:17 PM
My discus seems to be doing better. Poo has changed color to a light/dark red but segmented with some clear areas. He seems to have regained his color too. Also, He doesn't hide as much. I am doing water changes every 3 days and he seems to be responding to it. Temp. is 28???
Thanks for advice
Sun Jan 22, 2006, 11:47 PM
Hi Jim,
I am an avid believer that a water change a day keeps the doctor away!
If possible increase water changes to %50 every second day.
You mentioned that you are doing water changes every 3 days and the discus is responding to it, by increasing it further should really help his ailment.
I would also increase the temp to 30.c if you can as a slightly higher temp will increase the discus metabolism and its immune system.
Keep us posted and if possible a photo would be great.
Wed Jan 25, 2006, 08:05 PM
I increased the water changes(30 percent) to every other day and increased the temp. to 30. He seems to have lightened up and eats like a pig. He swims with the other discus and I rarely see him hiding. I want to say thanks for all of the great input here. It has been a lot of help to check in and read the latest posts and get some ideas.
Thanks again,
Thu Jan 26, 2006, 08:24 AM
Jim... glad to here that he is better!!! its amazing how well these little guys respond to water changes.... they love their pristine water :D
Keep up the good work..!
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