View Full Version : Medication questions that puzzle me
Tue Jan 17, 2006, 09:12 AM
Hi Everyone,
Since I am going to restock my discus medicines, I guess it is going to be my turn to ask some stupid questions about medications for discus...
1) When dealing with constipation (i.e unable to pass stools) one should use EPSOM salts yes? Where do I get this from again?
2) When we talk about metronidazole being anti-bacterial, does this include the biofilter of the tank? For example if you make a metronidazole treatment, will it kill your nitrifying bacteria?
3) I have also been unable to locate potassium permanganate (although I havent tried my local vet just yet). Does anybody know where to get this from already? Will this kill bio-filter bacteria?
4) Malachite green and methylene blue - carcinogenic or not? Do they kill bio-filter bacteria aswell?
Those are my burning questions if some kind person could please remind me of their answers I would really appreciate it. Or if anybody has new information about any of those meds - please post for the benefit of others...
Thankyou very much
Tue Jan 17, 2006, 09:37 AM
I can answer no.1 - You get epsom salts at the supermarket.... it used to be kept in the laundry section but last time i bought it i found it in the section with antacids and stuff like that... your friendly supermarket person should be able to point you in the right direction! hth
Tue Jan 17, 2006, 09:59 AM
hi mate answer to no 2 no it want effect you bacteria
and no 4 the bottle i have says if u dont over dose it will not effect your bio-filter bacteria but i have heard people say it does .
hope that helps cameron
Tue Jan 17, 2006, 10:21 AM
1) When dealing with constipation (i.e unable to pass stools) one should use EPSOM salts yes? Where do I get this from again?
Sammi answered that well, from any major super market.
2) When we talk about metronidazole being anti-bacterial, does this include the biofilter of the tank? For example if you make a metronidazole treatment, will it kill your nitrifying bacteria?
I would call it an antibiotic, i have only used it twice and found it does nothing to affect the bacteria in any filters
3) I have also been unable to locate potassium permanganate (although I havent tried my local vet just yet). Does anybody know where to get this from already? Will this kill bio-filter bacteria?
Getting hard to come by as it is not being made like it used to, some chemists have it on their shelves as older stock. Also knows as condies crystals. I have never used it and dont wont to as there is a fine line between killing the baddies and the fish them selves!
4) Malachite green and methylene blue - carcinogenic or not? Do they kill bio-filter bacteria aswell?
There has been talk about it lately as meth blue being carcinogenic, but like all meds they should be used with caution. They will kill your bio filters.
Hope this helps Grant,
Tue Jan 17, 2006, 10:26 AM
Ok Thanks guys
I have also been looking around and googling on the net and I now know that:
1) Yes Epsom salts for constipation. Can be bought from supermarket or from a pharmacy/chemist.
2) Metro is in fact anti-bacterial, but I have seen stories from people using metro with canister filtration in their main tank without effect. So I dont think it kills filter bacteria.
3) Postassium permanganate is a very powerful oxidizer - dosage must be administered correctly otherwise fish will surely die. Can be bought from chemist. Not sure of dosage but it is supposed to be able to kill everything in the tank (like nasties and goodies).
4) Supposed to be relatively harmless to filter media, yet in prolonged or high doses can be toxic to fish and filter bacteria alike.
If any of the above I have written is wrong can the advisors/mods please tell me off (I am looking at you Ben lol - just kidding). I just want to make sure this info I found is correct.
Tue Jan 17, 2006, 10:41 AM
*Ben smacks grant on the bum!*
Only kidding mate!
Nope it is very good to bring these things up!
With all those points i mentioned i talk about due to personal experience i have had.
Let’s start with the meth blue, small doses will not affect the bio-filter but it will not affect fungus etc.
So a proper dose will stop fungus/bacteria but also kill the bio filter.
Metro, i would not call an antibacterial but an antibiotic as it will control internal ailments of fish but not the bio-filter, so in turn it can not be called an anti-bacterial.......?
Tue Jan 17, 2006, 10:45 AM
Name another forum on the net where you get your question answered within the hour...
Good stuff people
Tue Jan 17, 2006, 11:00 AM
I wonder which type of metronidazole you using.
Here a link all about Flagyl (metronidazale)
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