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View Full Version : Discus and Severums

Mon Jan 16, 2006, 11:15 PM
ATM i have 2 baby severums and one medium sized gold severum together with 3 discus... They seem to be enjoying each others company and not harrassing each other too much.

The severums are not agressive towards the discus and seem to get along well apart from the odd chase :twisted: around the tank during feeding time.

Anyone had good or bad long term experience with the two species together in one tank?

Please let me know or others thinking of doing the same in the future.

Tue Jan 17, 2006, 10:32 AM
now i havent kept these two together because im also new to discus but i do have experience with them, i have a goldy living with my Oscar- enough said lol. hes a pretty tough dude when he needs to be and i would imagine he would beat the cr*p out of some peacful little discus if he had the chance, but in saying that hes a big boy. might be different if they grew up together though?

Tue Jan 17, 2006, 10:42 PM
Hi Sharn,

yeahhh i had my goldy with two other oscars too... and he'd be able to put up with the two brats... but decided to take him out and put him together with the discus... i have seen aquariums in the past with severums and discus together but in a large tank... maybe 6 to 8 x 2 x 2 foot tank?? but their discus and severums were massive...

i also had a planted tank for the discus but the severums ate it all up...