View Full Version : Brad's juvies
Sun Jan 15, 2006, 11:41 AM
These are some juvies that are been breed by brad. They are sitting at my place now, growing them out. They are cross between a brown and a turk. Nice healthy, little babies. The pics are taking before the water change sorry about the dirty tank.
Sun Jan 15, 2006, 11:44 AM
They should turn out in some nice fish. And have a wild discus look.
Sun Jan 15, 2006, 11:46 AM
They are always wanna eat!!
Sun Jan 15, 2006, 12:16 PM
Hi Jim,
long time no hear mate!
I heard you have a mrss now!
Thanks for the pics! the discus look great!
Keep us posted,
Sun Jan 15, 2006, 07:36 PM
they have great shape and look fantastic!!!
Sun Jan 15, 2006, 09:45 PM
wow they look fantastic!
is there only a sponge filter in the tank? you might seriously want to consider a canister with so many hungry fish in one tank you dont want to overload the system. (not saying this because of the dirty water before w/c but just as precaution as you wouldnt want to loose any of them!)
good luck with them!!!!! :D
Mon Jan 16, 2006, 01:12 AM
GP - I would be guessing for a tank that well-stocked that daily water changes may well be the norm if not more than that. So whilst the sponge filter may get a bit overworked (ok heaps overworked), the w/c should even it out.
Mon Jan 16, 2006, 02:16 AM
^ good point but sometimes w/c's are not even enough when done once or twice a day. for a tank stocked so heavily like that and i guess he would be feeding them around 4 times a day it would be extremely difficult to keep conditions stable and stop the fish stunting from constant ammonia and nitrate spikes.
i have found that a 3ft tank with 16 adult discus in it and 2 w/c's a DAY with a sponge was needing another w/c.
even thoagh most of the time the water looks great after a w/c, in a matter of hours there can be very high nitrate and ammonia etc and that is where the fish stunt and disease infects the fish.
G you are right thoagh in most cases what you mentioned is correct.
Mon Jan 16, 2006, 05:08 AM
Hi Junior
They wouldn't be out there if I thought Jim didn't know what he was doing, there in a 6*2*2 tank in the pics around 600 to 700 litre of water.Last week they where in a 2*18inch*18inch tank with only 2 small spounge filters,90+% w/c a day I was doing and Jim does w/c twice a day over 50%.We are keeping 20 of them I'm selling the other 100 at some stage.
Mon Jan 16, 2006, 05:41 AM
hey crocky
i know mate it was just a suggestion ;)
Tue Jan 17, 2006, 05:53 AM
Hey Ben,
I pm'd you a couple times but never got any respons.
Ya got a girl these days it is al good, but have less time for my
The blue daimonds i got from you are doing great they spawned about 4 times, but the male doesn't do his work. The last time he showed some more interest.
I reckon it is funny your aussies love cannisters. I the rest of the world most people have sponges and heavy water changes. I do 3 50% waterchanges a day, and feed 6-8 times. They should be right mate. Don't worry. Jim
Tue Jan 17, 2006, 10:02 AM
Hi Jim,
sorry mate i have not got any PM's from you for a while! keep me posted on the BD's but they are still young. send me an email for its easier!
Talk soon
Thu Feb 09, 2006, 01:37 AM
Thu Feb 09, 2006, 01:40 AM
i love these babies
Thu Feb 09, 2006, 01:43 AM
Thu Feb 09, 2006, 01:44 AM
bd pair( hopefully)
Thu Feb 09, 2006, 01:46 AM
Thu Feb 09, 2006, 07:02 AM
Ummm . . wat the hell is wrong with the male BD's head ? :shock:
Im guessing it is hole in head. . but as i have never seen a fish with it I'm not to sure. . .
Can someone help me here? LOL . . .
Thu Feb 09, 2006, 07:03 AM
**** = H E L L. . . :D
Thu Feb 09, 2006, 08:05 AM
The Bd doesn't have hole in the head. He been treated with metro in the food a couple times. He eats like a pig and his poo is small and black. He is also been treated with PP a couple times. It happens often that older bd loose there color around the head. It is in possible that he has hole in the head. If anyone nows what else it could be, please respond.
Thu Feb 09, 2006, 11:26 AM
Hi Jim,
any chance of a close up photo of the males face?
Its not hole in the head at all but looks interesting.
Well done on growing brad's juvies!
they are getting excellent size on them and their shape looks great!
Fri Feb 10, 2006, 06:10 AM
Hi Ben
They look the same as they did the day Jim got them off you,but the male has some peices missing around the head and you would think its hith which Jim treated for that (metro in the water and food) It hasn't missed a beat ,every time I been out to jims its sitting at the front of the tank looking for food.Its alway trying to get the female to spawn has dark short poo's clear eye ect,ect,ect.But I have read in a book ( i think your got it but I haven't) that this can happen if the fish hit something sharp and causes a open wound which then get attack by something in the water and is treat with ????? useing a cotton bud.
Fri Feb 10, 2006, 08:43 AM
It is interesting because the moment I saw the picture I also thought they both have Hole in the Head, saying that pictures can be misleading sometimes. I have had hole in the head twice and I recently treated a new wild caught pair with it. In each instance the fish behaved and ate normally, had normal coloured faces although it was not as firm. In my experience they don't need to be displaying the typical HITH symptoms (clear slimy faces, dark colour reduced feeding etc). My blues ate like pigs and the only way you would know they had HITH was the holes. Previous times I treated with Flagyl suspension (metronidazole) with great results and it took many weeks for the tissue to grow back over the 'holes'. The recent pair, I treated with metronidazole 200mg tablets soaked in the water and I’m now waiting for the holes to grow over. The tablets didn’t seem to dissolve as well as the liquid and I’m curious to see how well it worked (saying that it tablets seems to be the most common method to administer metro, along with soaking food in it). One of the groups of fish I treated were blue's like yours and I've included a couple before and after pictures. Because your fish are still eating and acting like pigs you shouldn't have any trouble treating with the stronger and longer metronidazole treatments and your fish should look good after. Just my opinion….
Here is a link to a good article on the subject:
Fri Feb 10, 2006, 08:50 AM
Here are the pics...
Fri Feb 10, 2006, 08:54 AM
Oops I put the labels the wrong way around on the pictures. The after treatment pic is the one without the holes in the head.…
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