View Full Version : Sharn welcome ot DF.com

Sun Jan 15, 2006, 01:31 AM
Howdie and welcome


Sun Jan 15, 2006, 08:57 AM
wow what a cool site! you welcome me!!

i might introduce myself now...

my names sharn, im 16 years old (dont let my age fool ya!) and im, as my friends like to put it, 'obsessed with fish'. these are the tanks i have in my room at present along with my fish-

five footer, 360L-
one tiger oscar, gold severum, pleco, red tailed black shark

four foot community- 230L
one angel, eight neons, three cories, bn, pleco and two khulis

two foot grow out tank-
four baby red turks, approx 4cm long.

four foot, 180L axolotl tank-
two leucistic, one wildtype, one golden albino and the tank sitting on top of that tank has a wee 6cm albino. waiting for him to grow up a bit!

i also have a 20L baby swordtail tank i use to grow feeders for a treat for the O, 12 in there at present.

i also have a 460L (4' x 2' x 2') spare in the garage im doing up and will hopefully be using it for breeding in the near future :)

im also into heavy metal and piercings, most people find that along with fish is a wierd mix but im a animal lover :wink:

and finally a big ups to all you guys in here- im sure i will learn alot about my new discus, its a great forum!

Sun Jan 15, 2006, 03:24 PM
Sharn are all these tanks in your bedroom? Where on earth do you sleep?

If you have a way to take pic I would really love to see some of your tanks.

Trust me you will find lots of helpful info on this site as well as alot of friendly people willing ot help you learn.


Sun Jan 15, 2006, 09:23 PM
all bar the 460L is in my room. theyre spread out, one on every wall though with the biggest on the supporting wall. the two foot is on my dressing table with the baby axie tank on top of the big axie tank. and the baby swordtail tank is on top of the oscar tank- very confusing!

im actually wanting to put a tank in place of my bed and just have a mattress on the floor but i think thats going just a wee bit too far haha.

well i tried to add a pic a drew, cant seem to get the hang of it, after adding file name it just goes blank after its loaded

Mon Jan 16, 2006, 01:01 AM
Gday Sharn

Let us see some pics of all your tanks !

Cmon !!!!


Mon Jan 16, 2006, 09:23 AM
if i had a camera you guys would be bombarded with pics!!! might have to talk mum into getting a digital- or at least go halves haha

wifey of axelfaz
Mon Jan 16, 2006, 10:18 AM
Hey there Sharn :)

Mon Jan 16, 2006, 10:36 AM
Welcome Sharn!

thats great you are keen on Fish!

One of the best relaxing hobbies!
