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View Full Version : Winter in Pakistan

Tue Jan 10, 2006, 03:45 PM
Well guys - I thought I'd been cold before. Currently over in Pakistan with the Army helping out the landslide/earthquake victims. Imagine the coldest you've ever been and then double it. Winter is well and truly here and the people still need shelter and food. We are doing our best, but the weather makes it hard. I'll be back in Aus around March visit my new children (discus babies that is). Had my wild Discus breed while I'm over here - including a couple of Tefe's I bought from Ben the day before I left! Beginners luck on my brother and wifes behalf - never even kept a discus in their life! Have heaps of great piccies of the earthquake area over hear and Aussie troops in action (if anyone is keen). Here's a photo of me and my Black Hawk at a place called Kagan (10000ft up) Note the Himalaya mountains still climbing up to 20000 in the backdrop. Thats me in the right of the cockpit as you look at it.


Tue Jan 10, 2006, 03:51 PM
I am glad it is you over there Squid and not me.

I won't even go to Falls Creek cause I hate the cold, so I would be useless where you are.

Congratulations on your new babies.


Tue Jan 10, 2006, 10:08 PM
The scenery must be truly spectacular Tony!
When you get the chance i would love to see lots more photos!
As far as exciting jobs your’s would have to be one of the best! As you mentioned it would be cold but helping people in need, flying a Blackhawk and seeing the some of the best landscapes in the would be very thrilling! (And the paki food!)
Keep me posted on the rsg's and have a safe flight back in March.


Tue Jan 10, 2006, 11:14 PM
Wow... I truly admire what you are doing over there squid... may sound silly but have you tried meditating heat!!! :lol: You never know if you get cold enough your mind may decide that its really warm...

Wed Jan 11, 2006, 07:04 AM
Sammi - you are the first person I've ever heard ask me that! If you aretaking about what I'm thinking - I do it quite often over here. I've been practising a Korean monk martial art for over 23 years, and it is a technique I was taught by my Korean master ages ago. It takes a lot of practice but it works. The crazy koreans prove it by sitting under waterfalls in their winter, and can sit there indefinitely. It seems to prove medical science wrong regarding the body's tolerance to hypothermia. Not much use for it in Townsville though. Ben - I went to the Islamabad Hilton the other day to a Paki resteurant. It was outstanding! More photos to come.


Wed Jan 11, 2006, 03:08 PM
Heres another picture - you can almost feel the cold just looking at it


Wed Jan 11, 2006, 10:54 PM
Those pictures are incredible. Squid you must have some Real interesting stories to tell - would love to hear them and see some more pics. I could look at pictures all day and I'm glad youve found a way to keep warm over there cause if you werent warm it looks like youd be freezing your crackers off.

Wed Jan 11, 2006, 11:23 PM
Nice one Squid, like the pics. At the moment its raining in townsville, at last !!! I know how cold you feel as i came to oz from England and i am ex signals . Those Yorkshire moors in mid winter, brass monkey weather i'll never forget.Keep up the good work you and the lads are doing over there and look forward to a cold one when you get back.Keep the pics coming and nice one on the new babies.

Thu Jan 12, 2006, 02:54 PM
Good to see the wet season has kicked off in the tropics. That explains why everything has spawned all at once! Barra - The Yorkshire Moors is where my wife wants to work as a vet. She's from Lancashire (Preston to be exact) and has a wicked 'Eckythump' accent. She's on her own over there! Anyway, some more piccies from over here. Maybe soon I'll have one with me in it.


Thu Jan 12, 2006, 11:22 PM
You're doing some brave work over there squid. I really admire you and Im proud to see Aussie choppers helping those poor people !! The situation the locals are in is beyond most of our understanding ? Has the relief effort reached most villages by now ? with landscape like that it must be a near impossible job.

Does your meditation involve you imagining that your are discus in a 30 degree tank 8-)

Good luck mate and fly safe


Fri Jan 13, 2006, 06:08 AM
Squid, you and the other boys and girls are doing as wonderful job over there. Stay safe and stay warm.

The photos are incredible.

Fri Jan 13, 2006, 09:44 AM
Squid! I didnt elaborate to much because I thought you might think me crazy!!! I was recently reading Shirley Maclaines series of autobiographies and she mentioned using a form of meditation whilst in the Himalayas and also whilst in peru somewhere (the other huge mountain range which escapes my mind) to keep her warm.... I have tried this sort of thought stuff on a smaller scale but do believe in the immense power of the mind....

so Korean meditation eh?? well glad it works...

Fri Jan 13, 2006, 11:15 AM
Hi Sammi - Shirley has a very similar practice to what by boss teaches. My art is known as Hwarang do (pronounced Fa rong do). Its only in Sydney and QLD, and I was lucky enough to be taken under Master Kims wing for the last 20 years. Very interesting what he can do with his brain, and how much damage he could cause to mine! I recommend to anyone to practice Chi Kung/Qigong to unlock your mental potential

Anyway - for todays pictures. These photos were taken before the big cold set in. It is a local family and their housing after the earthquake. Makes you think just how good we've got it in Aus. I probably spend more of 1 batch of imported wild Discus than these guys earn in their life

Fri Jan 13, 2006, 11:37 AM

Amazing photography and work you are doing.

Thanks for sharing.



Fri Jan 13, 2006, 11:54 PM
squid I am amazed that you didnt think i was "cracked" in the head for suggesting meditation but it sounds like you are much more in tune with your body and minds spiritual awareness.... I have only recently been reading about these things although have always had my own little ways of meditating without realising that is what I was doing... I was going to say what a co-incidence but I dont believe in co-incidence anymore I really think that everything happens for a reason!!

Good work over there it really is hard to comprehend what those families are going through over there when we are so lucky over here in Australia.
I truly wish you all the best. :D

Sat Jan 14, 2006, 06:24 AM
Hi again Sammy - I've certainly shifted away from western religions/lines of thinking and have applied what I've learned from my Master. It is an eastern philosophy and seems to make more sence to me. Anyway - all things do happen for a reason, and you always have more good luck than bad. Martial arts (reals ones taught by an asian master) provide so much benefit to the mind and body. A few people have seen me doing Tai Chi and have said something smart like "thats useless if you want to defend yourself". that just tells me they dont know martial arts at all. As a matter of fact, I was 2 times Australian Black belt male champion back in 92/93 and I had to compete against all the other styles in fighting. Still got my huge trophies. My wife, is a fish/exotics vet. She is also 2 times Vic/Tas state champion and is a black belt instructor! No one gets near my Discus shed!!! Good to talk to you all - its just started snowing and my hands are frozen

Sat Jan 14, 2006, 11:59 AM
remind me never to get on your bad side... you would kick my butt into next week.... many moons ago (when I was 15, 36 now) I started karate but didnt last long as I talked to much and my instructor kept making me do push ups everytime I talked ( which was pretty much the whole class) :lol: :lol: anyway about a month after I started I moved on and joined the local amateur theatre co. where a certain amount of talking is encouraged.. HaHaHa... have been on stage in one way or another eversince.. mainly as vocalist.. and my man is a guitarist...

always regret not continuing with the discipline of karate but am starting to look into yoga.. one of my closest friend is a yoga teacher but is miles away so I will be looking closer to home...

Love the pictures... i bet you cant wait to see your wife again...

Sat Jan 14, 2006, 11:43 PM
Hi Squid , e by gum so your married to a lancashire lass hey.Preston just up the road from where i'm from. I come from Liverpool and i know how lucky i am being in oz but after seeing those pic's i realy know now. Just got off phone to uk and its 5 deg c there but not as cold as where you are. It' stoped raining today and also my golden crystals have had eggs again, pity they are in a tank with other discus. Stay warm and keep up the good work