View Full Version : Evaporating neons
Thu Jan 05, 2006, 01:21 AM
Over the past ten months we have had approx' 30 neons dissapear without trace. I thought the culprit was a silver shark who had to go in any case as his hyper nature upset my discus. When I have added a dozen after the demise of the shark they dissapeared at the rate of about four a night. Havn't seen anything hassling them whilst the tank is lit. No angels present in this tank. Do discus have a penchant for small fish?
Thu Jan 05, 2006, 02:02 AM
discus dinner! :?
Thu Jan 05, 2006, 04:35 AM
Your discus should be growing very well you will have nice fat disucs :lol:
Have the disucs become less hungry since the Neons have gone bye bye :lol: :lol:
Thu Jan 05, 2006, 04:50 AM
I'll bet your discus are loving the fact that you are provding them with such pretty coloured snacks for them to eat :lol:
electric molecular
Thu Jan 05, 2006, 09:36 AM
heh sounds like your discus have been having some tasty midnight snacks there. I had some neons too when I first started off with a community tank some months ago, and I'm finally down to my last one (though I do have cardinals also which are doing fine). In my case, I don't think the discus gobbled the neons, more like the neons already come from LFS wholesalers infected with neon tetra disease or tuberculosis or whatever and then after awhile they stop eating, shrivel up and die. It's awful to watch even if they are cheap neons. :(
Thu Jan 05, 2006, 09:53 AM
if you want to be technical about this you shouldnt really have neons with discus for a few reasons:
1. basically all fish shops buy neons that are an unacceptable size for most tanks. if you want tetras for discus then get tham atleast 2cm (minimum).
2. neon tetras are a cooler water fish. they prefer water with a temp of around 22-24.... up to 26. discus water is to much for them and they usually dont last that long in high temps anyway.
3. neons dont grow as big as their look alike and my favorite the cardinal which is more suited to discus requirements.
a much better choice of tetra to go with your discus would be - rummynose tetra, cardinal tetra, lemon tetra, empera tetra etc.
other good tank mates for your discus are apistogramas, rams (basically all dwarf cichlids), peaceful angels (generally adults and same sex works well), bristlenose catfish, plecos, other cats.
David ;)
Thu Jan 05, 2006, 11:07 AM
^ I second that GP!!! couldnt have said it any better!!! :D
Thu Jan 05, 2006, 09:11 PM
Thanks for the info people, I'll get some larger tetras. May your beers be always cold and your thongs never slippery.
Thu Jan 05, 2006, 11:59 PM
^ sounds good to me :D
Mon Jan 09, 2006, 03:31 PM
I lost all 10 of my neons the same way :-(
My LFS clerk told me neons are the same as cardinals. I guess I proved he was wrong.
I'm not going to add any more fish into my tank. I have 6 discus (about 3 inch each) and some ottos, cory cats in a 125 g tank. I don't have a Q tank so I'm not sure adding new fish is an option right now.
Wed Mar 01, 2006, 03:21 AM
hi all
I love neons especially when you buy them in numbers!! schooling effect is brilliant, and in comparison to Cardinals they are the cheaper cousin! so its a great beginner fish.
In relation to dissapearing neons if i can use this equation.
neons = chocolates of the amazon
Wed Mar 01, 2006, 03:44 AM
I like that one Nicholas 76, "chocolates of the Amazon", heh heh.
Wed Mar 01, 2006, 03:48 PM
Yum Yum, said the Discus.
I added 5 more Discus to my tank. I now have 11 of them in my 125 G tank. What a sight!
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