View Full Version : Cloudy Tank!!

Tue Jan 03, 2006, 12:43 PM
Hey everyone

I have a 4x2x2ft hevy planted tank and i have just started dosing ferts etc and everything was going well till about 3 days ago and the tank has gone cloudy and won't clear up. :evil:

I have done a w/c and not one bit different still the same the tank is around 430L and has 2x 1200LPH canister and presureized CO2 and has it's lights on 12hrs a day and temp is at 26 degrees.

If you need any more info on the tank let me know and i'll post up i thought it could maybe becuase i removed a couple handfulls of ceramic rings out of both the cansiters as well as some bio balls for starting up my new discus tank could this have caused it??

If me removing the media out of the filter could hsve caused this adding new media to both filter to top them both back will this solve the problem??

Thanks in advance :D :D :D

Tue Jan 03, 2006, 12:57 PM
Rick, I think the key words here are "just started dosing ferts".

Don't add any ferts for the time being, and just let the tank settle again. Removing some of the media from your tank would have reduced the number of bacteria in your bio filters, but I wouldn't have thought that would have been enough to make your water cloudy. Cut back on the feeding, and cut out the ferts for a few days. Sounds like you may have a bacterial bloom in the water.

Time will remedy that. Time and a few more water changes LOL

Tue Jan 03, 2006, 02:52 PM
Cheers thanks Merrilyn i hate doing w/c of the planted tank cuases some of the stem plants to make tangle with others when the water level is down LOL LOL and my tank looks like it had a bad hair day :wink:

Would turning the lights off help at all? :oops:

Wed Jan 04, 2006, 11:50 AM
LOL nice try Rick. There is just no substitite for waterchanges :P

Wed Jan 04, 2006, 01:54 PM
I hope you don't see green water soon,I would also hold off on the fert's for a bit.
switching the light's off won't help,I would cut it to 10 hour's a day.

I think taking out the media unsettled the tank's establish bactreia for a particular bioload,Less bacteria same load, mini cycle?

Thu Jan 05, 2006, 12:52 AM
Yeah the parm are fine i think it clearly up very very slowly and another thing i have found the tank used to get a light hazey green algae on the glass over about 3 days (it's normal for this tank :x ) and now the tank has been getting fresh algae on the glass overnight :shock:
Most of the leaves have been getting as well not very normal :?

Just thought i would say that i'll keep you updated see how things go... :D