View Full Version : Wanting to get a tank a little planted.
Tue Jan 03, 2006, 12:30 PM
Hi everyone I have thought about it and what to turn my new 5ft tank into a nice planted tank not heavily though just the back and one end were i dont feed the disucs.
The tank is 280L and has at the moment 2x 36w 10,000K tubes on it and i want to add about 10 new plants to the tank and then go from there.
I also don't really want to add heaps of ferts and defiently no CO2.
These are the questions i ask you all:
What plants to use in a large tank that will cope with high temperture water and also will grow large and busy (provide shade etc).
How much lighting is good and how much is to much?
Can you tell me if these plants would be a good choice:
Water Sprite
Amazon Swords
If anyone can make a list of what they have tryed in there tank and had luck with them in 30 - 32 degree water please let me know.
Thanks everyone for your help. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Tue Jan 03, 2006, 12:54 PM
To keep it simple i would add 1 more light maybe 2,Those plant's listed are ok,The sprite will be big and bushy.
Other people will/might disagree with about the sword not really been a low light plant it's more like med light,While it will grow it will not become HUGE by any means,More like a stunted sword.
Tue Jan 03, 2006, 02:49 PM
Cheers Duck if i added another 2 floro tubes to it would this stress out the disucs becuase that would mean i would have 144w of light on a 280L tank.
Do u think adding heaps of plants then adding the extra light would be better and maybe cause less stree to the disucs?
Thanks everyone :D
Wed Jan 04, 2006, 01:07 AM
Wisteria and ambulia will burn/melt at those temps.
IMO Anuabis grow too slowly and tend to get covered in algae.
You can get okay results with swords under lower light conditions but you really need to provide some form of root fertiliser. I'd be inclinded to plant them in glass or terracotta pots. Mix vermiculite ($7 for 2-3litres from bunnings) and sandy loam (not potting mix - it's too rich) and top with gravel. Adding some fern sticks will also help. they are available from Big W and Woolies for $2-3 for a packet that will last a long time.
Wed Jan 04, 2006, 01:46 AM
OK Thanks guys :D
Wed Jan 04, 2006, 08:16 AM
IME wisteria will grow in 28 - 29 degrees. I had mine for about 6 months and it started to take over the tank. I pulled it out to give my other plants a chance. As duck mentioned lighting may be an issue.
Wed Jan 04, 2006, 08:40 AM
Well tommorow i'm going to buy to more light which will give 4x 36w that will take me to 2WPG do you think that would be enough to grow the plants i mentioned in my above post ^^^
Having 2WPG in that tank will this cause algae if not adding any ferts at all as the fish are my main aim..
One more thing those plants i stated above in my other post will any of these suck up any nitrates and small amounts of ammonia from the fish between w/c?
Thanks in advance... :D
Wed Jan 04, 2006, 01:32 PM
Hmmm Well tommorow i'm going to buy to more light which will give 4x 36w that will take me to 2WPG do you think that would be enough to grow the plants i mentioned in my above post ^^^
Having 2WPG in that tank will this cause algae if not adding any ferts at all as the fish are my main aim..
Light's don't cause algae,But you need to add some fert's sometime's,Need to feed the plant's.
One more thing those plants i stated above in my other post will any of these suck up any nitrates and small amounts of ammonia from the fish between w/c?
Yes they will,But not all the nitrate's,Not unless you go full blown planted tank then you need to add nitrate's :)
Wed Jan 04, 2006, 01:33 PM
Cheers Duck if i added another 2 floro tubes to it would this stress out the disucs becuase that would mean i would have 144w of light on a 280L tank.
I have 220watt's on a 250 liter tank with discus,They'll be fine.
Wed Jan 04, 2006, 01:37 PM
Ok thanks Duck i see what you mean with sucking up nitrates :wink:
For example if i got 10ppm of nitrated between w/c would adding those plants to the tank help lower that between w/c as i need them for look but won't them to help me out when i got a 10 day holiday in about 3 weeks time LOL
Thanks again and i spoke to a few people today and they said the Wisteria and the ambulia and water sprite will die becuase i have my tank at 30.5 degrees but may rise in temp over my holiday can u shead any light on that? :D
Thanks :wink:
Wed Jan 04, 2006, 01:40 PM
One more thing Duck with your planted tank you have that had that massicve water sprite in the corner what temp was the tank sitting at?
Do higher temps make plants grow faster like warmer water makes fish grow faster just thought it may be the same LOL
Wed Jan 04, 2006, 01:48 PM
LOL LOL LOL this may sound very stupid but..
If the temp of the water is say 31 degrees but you have good light on the tank will the plants still live or does temps like that just kill any plants the reason for i been keeping my 8 red turk discus in 31 degree water to try speed there growth up and also prevent diseases etc
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Wed Jan 04, 2006, 02:09 PM
For example if i got 10ppm of nitrated between w/c would adding those plants to the tank help lower that between w/c as i need them for look but won't them to help me out when i got a 10 day holiday in about 3 weeks time LOL
You don't ask for much :D It won't lower it but it will keep it stable and rise slowly,Who's looking after the tank while you away?
Thanks again and i spoke to a few people today and they said the Wisteria and the ambulia and water sprite will die becuase i have my tank at 30.5 degrees but may rise in temp over my holiday can u shead any light on that?
I know that sprite will be Ok as my tanks sit around the 30 mark,Any more i think them you are really pushing your luck ,I would say 30 would be the max,And i notice in my tank's that when the temp start's to hit 31 the plant's look a bit sick.
Light's, fert's, CO2, make your plants grow faster.
I think i got it all.
Thu Jan 05, 2006, 12:42 AM
Cheers Duck thanks for helping me out and my Aunty will be feeding my fish while i'm in Melbourne for 10 days and she won't be able to do any w/c so i hope everything can cope while i'm gone :oops:
I'll lower my temp to 30 degrees today and i'll see hpw i go :P
Fri Jan 06, 2006, 12:42 PM
Enjoy your holiday,Make sure that your anuty does'nt over do it in the feeding department :)
Fri Jan 06, 2006, 12:58 PM
Yeah i'll feed them well from now till my holiday and then they will have only 1 feed a day instead on 4 LOL
Hope it all goes well :lol:
I have added to the 2 Wisteria and 1 Ambulia and 5 Anbuis (Spelling) and 1 Amzon sword and 1 Marbled sword.
Will be adding more over the next few days though..
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