View Full Version : Problem with Gills?
Rob Thurman
Thu Dec 29, 2005, 04:05 AM
I have two discus in a 37 gallon aquarium. They are about 1 year old. My water is very soft. My PH is 6.0. I do a 50 % water change at least 3 times per week with a mixture of tap water and deionized water. I wipe down the sides of the tank every time I do a water change. My ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite readings are consistently good. I have a large sponge filter, an external power filter, and a UV sterilizer. I keep the temp around 88.
My female discus always opens one gill much wider than the gill on the other side. I have assumed that the problem is gill flukes, but I am beginning to wonder if it could be something else. I have been treating her with prazi pro, but it doesn't seem to help. I have repeated the treatment several times now.
She looks well otherwise, and eats well. She isn't skittish, but she has stopped spawning. A few weeks ago, I suspected that the male had gill flukes as well, but after a few prazi treatments, his respiration seems quite normal.
Any suggestions?
Thu Dec 29, 2005, 02:51 PM
unilateral operculae flaring is rather uncommon
is the operculum being more open evident when view the fish from above(helps to visualise movement)
flaring unilaterally would suggest one gill region being obstructed
or may indicated operculae deformity and inability to adduct in that side which moves less
any change in gill colour
water borne toxins will irritate gill tissue
Rob Thurman
Thu Dec 29, 2005, 03:49 PM
Thanks for your reply.
I don't think that I am dealing with a deformity, because she wasn't doing this for the first 6 months.
The flaring is on the right side. It is visible from above, but it seems most pronounced when looking at her from behind.
The gill color seems normal.
Are there any toxins that I can be testing for? I am wondering if there is a problem with my tap water. I always treat for chlorine and chloromine using Prime by Seachem.
Thu Dec 29, 2005, 04:40 PM
unilateral makes water borne problems much less likely
would seem that flow of water over the affected gills is uneven
Rob Thurman
Thu Dec 29, 2005, 10:53 PM
unilateral makes water borne problems much less likely
would seem that flow of water over the affected gills is uneven
What would make the water flow over the gills unevenly? What could cause an obstruction? Could it be a parasite or some type of infection?
Fri Dec 30, 2005, 08:06 AM
yes, though more likely physical
if you are brave enough then examination behind the operculum is indicated and also if able in the oral cavity
physical obstrructions like stones and other ingested solids or growths that hinder water flow
if none of these things are vident then a small sample of the gill should be trimmed to look at with a microscope(dont do this if you are unsure as the gill is very vascular and can haemorrghe badly)
Rob Thurman
Sat Dec 31, 2005, 10:03 PM
Sun Jan 01, 2006, 06:25 PM
rob in my attempt to learn i have read that gill flukes can cause unilateral gill movement!
maybe worth treating
what do you have available
praziquantel should be effective
Sun Jan 01, 2006, 10:31 PM
I have assumed that the problem is gill flukes, but I am beginning to wonder if it could be something else. I have been treating her with prazi pro, but it doesn't seem to help. I have repeated the treatment several times now.
Mon Jan 02, 2006, 08:30 AM
oops :lol:
Rob Thurman
Wed Jan 18, 2006, 12:40 AM
I took my discus to a vet that has extensive experience with tropical fish. She did a biopsy of the gills, and said that she could find no evidence of parasites or infection. However, she did admit that the respiration on the one side seemed quite unusual.
Wed Jan 18, 2006, 02:14 PM
perhaps neuromuscular and the affected side is not moving as much as the unaffected side
ie mild paralysis so other operculum is flaring to compensate with reduced water flow over other gill?!
Tue Feb 07, 2006, 02:33 AM
One of my fish had this, I thought it was flukes but it is bacterial in nature. I treated it for hex as it was passing white poop and the metro seemed to fix the gill problem aswell.
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