View Full Version : wired pooh still going!

Thu Dec 22, 2005, 10:54 AM
hi all
i had just experienced for my first time, this female of mine had long pooh about 6 inch long! and one hour later it was about 8 inch long untill i use a hose facume it out off her. is this normal? she is not over fed, as she is not fat at all. what cause this?
thanks ,,,,ben

Thu Dec 22, 2005, 11:18 AM
ummmm what do u feed them spagetti :lol: ?

umm is it a brown colour or white?

Thu Dec 22, 2005, 11:42 AM
Hey There,

Yes thats a very bad sign for that to happen. I think you should give the fish to me.


Nah, only joking. Fish will do a very long poop like that if they have too much fibre in their diet. Dont worry - its only bad if the fish cant expel the poop.


Thu Dec 22, 2005, 11:49 AM
lol its not spagetti but it may be a new recipe for the italians, just joking.
that fish i havent had too long and u see one baby in the pic, it has a small batch of babies, i only feed it the colour bits for at the moment since i first got it about a month ago. the pooh is normal colour that the fish eats colour bits, but it just goes very long, that photo was taken 2 days ago but today of corse anothe long pooh again, oh well at least its not as messy like other discus pooh every where, just makes a spagetti poo dayly lol,,,, ben

Thu Dec 22, 2005, 11:58 AM
i only feed it the colour bits for at the moment since i first got it about a month ago

This is the problem, it would be like eating only cornflakes for a month!

Try and get the discus to eat a nice balanced diet including frozen brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, blood worms and a beef heart mix.

This will get the discus nice and regular again! :wink:


Fri Dec 23, 2005, 03:36 AM
ech only one food source???

poor bugger would be all blocked up

try some frozen blood worm and some live / frozen brime shrimp

Fri Dec 23, 2005, 05:04 AM
the poor bugger not blocked up she just shoots it out as a spagetti shape, at least she not that messy , its easier to clean up lol.

Fri Dec 23, 2005, 10:06 AM
I'll rephrase that

blocked up with shi****

Fri Dec 23, 2005, 12:40 PM
LOL Ben, it's just a variation on normal, but it probably does mean that the fish is getting too much dry food, and needs something else in the diet as well. Try adding some beefheart, frozen bloodworms or Brine shrimp to the diet. That should make the fish a little more ...errrr....... regular.