View Full Version : info from sydney water
Tue Feb 24, 2004, 04:25 AM
am i able to find out some how from sydney water what they say the water peramiters are in my area? like what chemicals, metals and so on are in the water that comes from my tap...or at least in my suburb???
if anyone knows of any links or phone numbers where i could find out, please share them
Tue Feb 24, 2004, 05:48 AM
Matt, here is the water analysis results for Sydney...
(you will need acrobat reader to see the result .pdf file)
Daily water quality,
Tue Feb 24, 2004, 07:30 AM
is there a melbourne water site?? always feel left out :cry: heheh
Tue Feb 24, 2004, 07:32 AM
I will see what I can dig up, and I might even see if I can get permissions to have a table on here with live updates sourced from each Water authority of the quality levels for all capital cities...
that would be kool... :wink:
Tue Feb 24, 2004, 07:34 AM
thanks proteus....
it is a bit hard for me to fully understand though...i'm not up to scratch on my water knowledge
we live in the same our water good for raising discus, in your opinion???
thanks again mate
Tue Feb 24, 2004, 07:34 AM
excellent idea
make it happen mate
Thu Feb 26, 2004, 05:00 AM
Now THAT is an idea worthy of the HIGH AND MIGHTY Proteus!!!
Go for it MATE!!!
Thu Feb 26, 2004, 01:15 PM
Matt, I have never had a problem with the water here...
the pH usually varies between 7.0 & 7.4 and nuke the stuff with a additive to kill the chlorine & chlorimine and everything should be smelling like roses... or looking like Discus...
Thu Feb 26, 2004, 02:49 PM
yeah last time i checked the ph i think it was somewhere around the 7 mark...but i havn't checked for ages
i add prime to get ris of chlorine a chloramines...
i'm also using geo liquid at the moment...but i'm not too sure about it...i don't know if i need to use it...
Thu Feb 26, 2004, 08:53 PM
I was using Prime up till a week ago, now using "Water Ager ACN", it is a local product, and has a broader spectrum of Detoxification, and neatralization... it is a litle more expensive, but in comparison to what it does, very cheap...
I also add a few drops of Cycle to every bucket when doing water changes, to promote a wide variety of "Good" bacteria, and depending on what tank the water is going in, a spoon full of aquarium salt, or a few drops of Amazon Water Conditioner (Peat & tannin extracts especially for Discus)...
Thu Feb 26, 2004, 08:56 PM
Oh bro :shock:, whaddya doin usin cycle?!?
Do I gotta go over nitrospira and nitrobacter again :wink:.
- PDubya
Thu Feb 26, 2004, 09:03 PM
Just remember we dont get all the good stuff here... :cry:
I am guessing the other products wont release what the liquid contains, so no import.... BWAH!!!
Cycle is good, and heck, anything is better than nothing at getting the bacteria bugs thriving.
Fri Feb 27, 2004, 12:45 AM
i admit i do through a couple of caps full of cycle in the tank ebvery couple of weeks
Fri Feb 27, 2004, 04:21 PM
Tsk Tsk Tsk....
DUDE, the bacteria in cycle is COMPLETELY INERT!!!
On top of that, they are not even the right KIND of bacteria.
You could prolly just DRINK THE STUFF and suffer NO ILL EFFECTS!!!
There is prolly more bene bac in your TAP WATER than there is in Cycle.
Not just an opinion, actual fact.
Just goto and look at the sci that they have backing their Biospira program.
Let me see if I can find the original info that many of us have found stating exactly what is in Cycle.
Fri Feb 27, 2004, 09:21 PM
Cycle, like other *old school* bacterial cultures/starters sometimes include nitrosimonas, and most of the time nitrobacter (or what used to be nitrobacter).
So, what you normally end up with, is maybe a minute amount of one or both of those bacteria, if any, and a bunch of ammonia from the rest dying off, plus whatever crud they put in there.
Granted, the free ammonia plus the nitrosimonas (if you get some) *may* get the cycle going... but once it hits the nitrAte/nitrIte stage... it stalls... crashes... and your back to square one.
Not crackin on you for using it bud, just stating what I know :wink:.
Fri Feb 27, 2004, 11:31 PM
I dont use cycle, but top choice on the water ager ACN proteus, this stuff is great. It is expensive but you dont use much its something like 1ml per 38lts. I think by memory, great product.
And what do people think about Geo-liquid on this forum, I cant really say that it does all that they say, but i do think it helps. eg. They have in the pamflete that no other chemicals are needed when using geo-liquid. I thought all it did was replace some minerals from there natural habbitat. I dont even know if it also acts as a water de-chlor. I do think it helps but i dont think it is the miricle product they hype it up too be.
Sat Feb 28, 2004, 05:21 AM
never tried GEO before, and have heard lots for and against...
cant answer that one....
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