View Full Version : …one of my 1st discus show tanks with plants!

Mon Dec 19, 2005, 02:06 PM

Mon Dec 19, 2005, 11:18 PM
Looking good buddy :wink:

Tue Dec 20, 2005, 01:31 AM
very nice tank :D can we have more pics plz :D

Tue Dec 20, 2005, 05:09 AM
That chain sward will overtake your tank soon. Good to see that it is growing well with no black algae on it. Well done.

By the way, what fertilisers are you using?

Keep up the good work

Tue Dec 20, 2005, 08:09 AM
Nice tank you got going.
How about some spec's if you don't mind,Like how much lighting,have you CO2,How big is the tank.

Tue Dec 20, 2005, 10:01 AM
Hi DarrenJThomas,

i have fertilizer of sera uses iron and minerals full fertilizers.
This one is very good and favorable sometimes also fertilizer of
Dr.Kremser ( Ferrdrakon and or Daydrakon -- www.drak.de ).

Best wishes!


Tue Dec 20, 2005, 12:32 PM
Hi Duck!

The pelvis has a volume of 420 liter. A pelvis is more warped Windshield.

Arcadia touchdown lamp with 3 x T8 36 watts as cover Luminescent
material tubes of then alder type Trocal de luxe plan Special.

Pot filter:
Eheim professional II thermal filter 2128. The pump performance was
reduced 40-50 % of the total performance.

Turning back osmosis filter:
The plant consists booster pump of 3 x 10 inches of prefilter, one (himself
drawing in), power supply and a high-quality 100 GPD Synthetic material
diaphragm made of polyamide/Polysulfon. The plant is put up open a hold
angle made of metal and has the measures of approx. 37x45x20cm
(BxHxT). The plant has an automatic washing the dishes valve. This
Becomes valve approx. every 80 min. for few 5 sec. open. This streams
Water with full speed by all modules and washes most pollutions and
delays away. By the moving washing the dishes process the moving
washing the dishes valve is also cleaned.

The osmosis container consists of hard synthetic material, has the
measures of approx. 37x52x37cm (BxHxT) and therefore a volume of
approx. 70 l. This container is an individual product in a very stable
execution. The container is over the container between 2 Gardena
connections with fast seal for the osmosis plant (in/out), empty a petcock
4/6 mm of Gardena, a 9/12 mm connection for the water supply of the
osmosis container and a run rooster for this equipped.

The plant further has a T.D.S. meter with 2 channels to measure the
values of the container as well as that one of the pelvis.

Becomes the condensed extract container about a Bypass of the Eheim
pot filter Water provided. The container is emptied approx. 1 x per week
if the LW below 1000 µS/cm is immediate.

UV C burner:
JBL AquaCristal UV C 15 watts about a Bypass to Eheim pot filters
attached and you switch when required for this purpose.

AquaMedic mistral 300 adjustable

Measuring out pump:
I fertilize 1 x GroTec III NG 5 ml daily

Dennerle Classic Line CO 2 excluding with night switching off

Other technology:
GHL ProfiLux plus II with switch electrical outlet, pH, temperature
and soon also with LW and DCF radio clock receiver

Best regards :D


Fri Dec 23, 2005, 11:46 AM
You lost me after, turning back osmosis filter.

Fri Dec 23, 2005, 11:55 AM
looks great

Fri Dec 23, 2005, 12:45 PM
That's a very beautiful tank Andy. You obviously have a lot of high tech equipment running. Congratulations. Your fish look happy and healthy.

Fri Dec 23, 2005, 05:40 PM
Hi Merrilyn :wink:

Thanks a lot :oops: I am a friend of the automatism, everything of course for the DISCUS only!

Best regards and Merry Christmas for you and for the animals:D


Fri Dec 23, 2005, 05:48 PM
...two of my red turquoises with approx. 9 months 8-)

Fri Dec 23, 2005, 05:53 PM
Hi Duck!

You lost me after, turning back osmosis filter.

I don`t quite understand, what you mean exactly?

Is my english too bad?



Fri Dec 23, 2005, 10:33 PM
hey tycoon your tank is awesome! can you tell me what that plant is in the foreground? how high does it grow?

Fri Dec 23, 2005, 11:13 PM
Hi Goldenpigeon,

the plant in the foreground is called: "Echinodorus magdalanensis".
The height amounts between 5 and 10cm.

You seem to be an early bird, i think it is approx. 9 o'clock in Australia!

Best wisches!


Sat Dec 24, 2005, 09:07 AM
no i woke up early to go to the beach this morning.... normally i wake up about 10:00 in the holidays ;)

thanks for the plant identification :D

Sat Dec 24, 2005, 09:19 AM
Hi Goldenpigeon!

It must lovely be lived in Australia. Please, can i see a couple of photos of Australia :D

Best wishes!


Sat Dec 24, 2005, 11:08 AM
it is fantastic living over here.... weather is always great! fish are pretty expensive thoagh ;)

sorry but all my pictures of Australia (like land marks and a lot of the outback) are hard copies not digital. sorry about that. if you google search australia you might find some nice pictures :D

Mon Dec 26, 2005, 09:13 AM
Hi nice tank Andy! Those discus look healthy.

What kind of substrate are you using ? Also how long have the setup running for ? Have you experienced when the white substrate goes greenish/brownish ??


Mon Dec 26, 2005, 11:59 AM
Love your planted discus tank mate :)

Looks very nice!

Mon Dec 26, 2005, 03:31 PM
Hi Dr.V!

Thank you for the compliment :oops:
The setup is approx. 2 years stably going on :wink:
What do you mean exactly with substrate :?:

Best wishes!

Thanks also to MangoR34 :D


Mon Dec 26, 2005, 03:44 PM
Hi Duck!

Please, can you answer my question :?:


Mon Dec 26, 2005, 04:55 PM
Hi Tycoon,

Me and some friend have been looking a few times at your tank: very nice
Would it possible to make a series of pictures of the setup including the top (light, coverage)
Our plants are the opposite of what you grow there...so we are are tryhing toe get as much info as we can get to setup the right thing for good growing plants in combination with discus...

Would love to see your tank for real....lovely tank

Jeroen (holland)

Mon Dec 26, 2005, 11:15 PM
Hello Andy, thankyou for explaining the details of your lovely tank. Some of the terms you used are not familiar to us. When duck said "you lost me" I believe he means that we do not have some of that equipment in Australia. Could you explain it in more simple terms. It has nothing to do with your english. Your english is very good. We just don't have some of the equipment here in Australia that you are using.

A lot of the members are very interested in the equipment that you have. Could you explain each piece, perhaps with photographs. Discus keepers are always anxious to learn from each other.

I think that what Dr.V is asking, is that the light coloured gravel you have on the bottom of the tank, do you have problems with green or brown algae growing on the gravel due to the high intensity light, and if so, what do you do to keep the gravel white.

Hope that helps.

Thu Dec 29, 2005, 03:58 PM
Hi Merrilyn,

Thanks a lot for the clearing up. I almost understand everything now :wink:

Dr. V asked me, though:
which substrate I use, what does he mean with that?

I want to report about my equipment a little, but this becomes something only next year!

Good slide in the New Year :lol:


Thu Dec 29, 2005, 04:02 PM
Hi Jeroen :wink:

Thank you for the compliment. In the next year i`ll report about my
equipment :D

Good slide in the NEW YEAR :lol:


Thu Dec 29, 2005, 04:06 PM
Hi Tycoon,

Looking forwards to your report...
Myself I am orientating to a Co2 system....but the information here is very small
First I was recomended to take a system with a PH controller to keep the co2 level good, later someone else told me I need a different controllere to regulate Co2...I need one that mesures ph and Kh...

What is your opinion about this ?

So far I've been interested about the Dennerle co2 system, good choice ?

Thu Dec 29, 2005, 05:34 PM
Hi Merrilyn,

Thanks a lot for the clearing up. I almost understand everything now :wink:

Mr. V asked me, though:
which substrate I use, what does he mean with that?

I want to report about my equipment a little, but this becomes something only next year!

Good slide in the New Year :lol:


Hei Andy, yeah I mean like what brand is it ? Or just some natural gravel ? Pool sand ?

Thu Dec 29, 2005, 05:36 PM
I think that what Dr.V is asking, is that the light coloured gravel you have on the bottom of the tank, do you have problems with green or brown algae growing on the gravel due to the high intensity light, and if so, what do you do to keep the gravel white.

Hope that helps.

Yes, have this happened to you before ??

Thanks Andy

Tue Jan 03, 2006, 12:05 PM
Hi Dr.V!

I use quartz sand in the granulation from 0.1 to 0.4 mm from the
property market!

I don't have any problems with green or brownly algae. The plants are in
direct competition to the algae. The algae don't have any chance to spread
if the plants grow well!
Fast growing plants are suitable particularly well!

Best wisches!


Tue Jan 03, 2006, 12:46 PM
Hi Jeroen!

Dennerle PH Controller Deluxe is one very good choice, because you can
adjust and check KH+PH. The CO2 content calculates itself from KH+PH
in the water.

The CO2 bonus at the discus tank as a rule not required!

Here should the CO2 is salary max. 15 mg/l. The discus doesn't stand
increase well!

A CO2 plant is required only at a pelvis with many plants.

Best wishes!


Tue Jan 03, 2006, 12:46 PM
Hi Duck!

Please, can you answer my question :?:


I don`t quite understand, what you mean exactly?

Is my english too bad?
Your English is good
Just never come across a turning back osmosis filter that's all.

Tue Jan 03, 2006, 12:53 PM
Hi Duck :D

I had one ask not understood by you. However, it has been superfluous.
Merrilyn has explained it to me!

Best wishes + HAPPY NEW YEAR :wink:


Wed Jan 04, 2006, 02:21 AM
Hi Andy,

Many thanks for your answer.
I was a little scared for the Co2 system with a controller (ph) cause someone told me these controllers don't measure the Kh....and when the Kh goes down or up, the controller will miscalculate, but as I understand from you the controller measures the ph + the kh, that is great.

I do plan to make lot's of nice plants.

I am looking forwards to the pictures of your system


Sun Jan 08, 2006, 01:46 PM
Hallo Jeroren, Ladyred and the other folks! :D

I start today to provide a couple of photos of my equipment into the
portal. Following photos further. The probably most important is my
osmosis filter with booster pump and condensed extract container.

Best wishes :wink:


Blue tube = pure water goes directly to the tank
White tube = supply for the osmosis from the condensed extract container
Black tube = sewage goes into the condensed extract container

Mon Jan 23, 2006, 04:52 AM
:D hello, mate just a question that do you use sand base? How thick it is?
Do you have heating cables? If you don't , then how can you make sure the sand dont get compact and develope toxic gas?

I must say, you got a beautiful set up!!

Mon Jan 23, 2006, 10:54 AM
Hello Vince!

Yes, I use crystal quartz sand as a floor reason of 4-5 cm. I don't use
heating cables. It`s suitable only as of a granulation of over 1 mm. Once
per month, I clean my sand with a rotten wood bell.

All my fishes are well and the water smells very clean :D !

Best wishes!


Tue Jan 24, 2006, 01:49 AM
Thank you , andy.

Would you explain more about your rotten wood bell please? What is it?
Have you got a picture of that?


Mon Jan 30, 2006, 04:30 AM
Andy I am pretty sure they have worked out what your "turning back osmosis" would be what we call "reverse osmosis" units.

They are available here - just a translation confusion.

Great looking setup well done


Mon Feb 13, 2006, 11:00 PM
Great looking tank!