View Full Version : AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! SERPAE TETRAS!!!!!!
Sun Dec 11, 2005, 07:49 AM
Omg never buy serpae tetras they are the worst fish ever i mean ever i rather goldfish of them !!!
I have some sort of angel fish like fake altum or something that i personally like and always will but i had got some serpae tetras for my 4x2x2ft planted tank and i got 7 of them and since i have got them they have nipped my angelfish fins so they always look like a torn rag :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
How do u guys suggest to catch them with out destoying my nice tank ?
I have tryed 2 nets even 3 nets and they still just good hide behind some massive plant in there that i can't get behind it!!
Do u suggest i do anything maybe to resolve the problem maybe adding like 3 or 5 to make up 10 so they all attack each other?
Will these fish also nip Discus fins or is just Angelfish fins???
Thanks for ya help can someone try help me get these fish i even put a block frozen bloodworm in there then do a sneak attack with the net LOL no luck only got 2 out about 2 months ago and i try like every week...
HELP!!!! :?
Mon Dec 12, 2005, 10:14 AM
try lowering the water level quite low.... about 60% (you will have to do it quickly because of the plants and try catching them. they have less places to go.
if they go behind the plant use your hand to flush them out instead of using the net.
Mon Dec 12, 2005, 12:20 PM
Thanks i might try putting some food in a net so they get used of it like it's a friend for a few days and then WAMM!! hope i get a couple of them :shock:
lol thanks man i'll try that tommorow when i w/c
Mon Dec 12, 2005, 12:44 PM
mate tetras arent the most smart creatures. u are better off not bothering ith the net idea and just fishing them out any way you can. the wont go for the food like an angel will.
i think you should get them out asap to save your angels tail.
good uck
Mon Dec 12, 2005, 10:08 PM
I wonder why the serpae's are nipping the tails of other fish.
Maybe they are hungry? Defending their territory? Or feel threatened by the angels?
Good luck catching them Rick!
Tue Dec 13, 2005, 01:53 AM
They're just nippy by nature..... These are one of the tetras, together with red eye tetra and black skirt tetras that u will never hear me recommending. They are popular cheap fish... AND BLOODY NASTY to beat!
Tue Dec 13, 2005, 07:22 AM
Yeah Kev these Tetras I will never ever recommend them made such a nice angel fish look like shit it's really heart breaking to wake every morning finding that they have niped a bit off... I wish my pictus catfish would eat them for me he ate 12 cardinal tetras and 6 black neons his about 13am long he is massive but very nice to everything else just eats my small tetras LOL.
I really want my pictus to eat it or my angel fish fight back or something.. becuase my angel fish will chase the Pearl Gourami but lets such small fish chase and nip him :cry:
Thanks for everyones help..
electric molecular
Wed Dec 21, 2005, 11:38 PM
Hey Mulisha,
I've never kept Serpaes but they sound like nasty little buggers lol. :lol: Maybe when you do catch them you can give them back to your LFS?? My LFS is always accepting unwanted fish...
Thu Dec 22, 2005, 12:00 AM
Rick have you caught them yet?
Thu Dec 22, 2005, 02:03 AM
how about geting a big oscar?? my father has a big oscar about a foot long or little bigger, he feeds it live gold fish a day , as i notice there are no gold fish live in the tank with the oscar any longer than 15 seconds, the oscar swallows the gold fish, even put 3 gold fish in the tank at once!!
try one of those and he will catch the nasty buggers for you :lol:
,,,, ben
Thu Dec 22, 2005, 02:28 AM
^ good idea but Rick has a planted tank which the oscar would destroy quite quickly, the oscar would harass mayb even eat his angel and all other tetras. and as i understand, Rick doesnt have any more room for more tanks :lol:
Thu Dec 22, 2005, 02:42 AM
hey guys i caught one of them yesterday and put in my discus tank for them to eat my discus tails and fins LOL LOL LOL
Joking ..
I got 1 will it was eating it went for a swim in my pind with my Tarpon in there HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Tarpon went crazy and ate it :roll:
there is still a few left and my tank is getting ore planted as we speak :shock:
Won't stop growing LOL will have to get the electric hedge trimmer soon LOL..
And oscar umm wouldn't go well in there will hurt all my other fishys ..
thanks for ya concern so depressing to wake and find that the Serpae have had a bit more to eat bit i have stopped them a bit now i leave a a white LED a little light going all the time and i think the Angel is fighting them off now....
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