View Full Version : automated water changes and filtration
Sun Jun 13, 2004, 09:45 PM
please help me automate my tank so i can have discus in my lounge room
please help me with replys in the section food nutricen and chemisrty see the same topic (automated water changes and filtraion)
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
thanks to all that are helping me[/b]
Wed Jun 16, 2004, 02:03 PM
First off Rho when you get a chance can you move this too equipment.
Ok i drew up an idea whilst talking with the engineer at work.
Basically it works off timers but you to work out what voltage your solenoids work off then you have to play with them, iam not going to get into them atm.
Ok ill start off with the water storage.
We have a outlet from the water mains going into your storage tank with a solenoid attached to the pipe inlet. This pipe is then attached to a cristen (toilet float ball thingy), So basically the ball lowers withthe water sets off a switch to turn the water on. Then at the bottom of the storage barrel you have the outlet pipe 2 inches above the bottom so the tank cant be emptied completely so as too not damage your heater. The outlet pipe then continues down too your tank. There will be another solenoid at the end of this pipe closer to the tank. Reason being solenoids need pressure to open so therefore the gravity from the water should be enough to push open the valve.
Then the tank, inside the tank you will have a pump with the intake a couple of inches about the base, again so as too not burn out your heater. The your outlet going to a drain or garden.
Ok the way it works. 2 timers are needed. Firstly the pump, which will go off at say 4:05pm (EG) the pump will go for say 5mins, it doesnt matter as it will just go to the height of the intake, so say you want 50% set the pipe for the intake at half way. Thats the tank drained, now too fill it up.
Ok solenoids can come in either open or shut position and when the power omes on it goes to the opposite. Eg. a shut valve gets power so it goes on, once thepower is off it returns off. So we have solenoids A and B We want (A) to be in the open position to start and (B) to be in the closed position. So bascially the tank will be full and the cristen (ball) will be floating. So after the tank is drained the next timer goes off and give power to the two solenoids making them opposite, so solenoid (A) will be shut off so even though the cristen has fallen the water will not get through as the solenoid is shut. Then solenoid (B) will open and drain out the water into the tank. Its either set too time or just by the amount of water in there. So after the timer turns off again the solenoid (B) shuts off meaning the tnaks stops filling and solenoid (A) open so the storage container will continue to fill.
And thats it, then all that needs to be done is adding a doser to the the cristen which i saw in process but apparently can cost an arm and a leg.
Well here is a diagram of the setup hope this helps, i think with a budget of $2000 it could be done easily, most expensive thing will be the doser.
Gotta love my work with windows paint :wink:
Anyway let us know how you go.
Fri Jun 18, 2004, 10:50 AM
i have been disscussing this with a few techs out at wrok and BINGO same concepts same design same wavelength
only difference is they have replaced the pump with a "tank through" and a third solinoid so it can run of the same control pannel.
i am purchasing the material this weekend and i plan to build over the next few weeks.
i will post my results .
P.S nice work with the brush! :wink:
Fri Jun 18, 2004, 11:44 AM
So your going to use a solenoid on the tubing to drain the tank?? I was thinking this but thought that the syphon would not be enough pressure to open the solenoid. Then again could do. Also this way i can work out a way to push the feces towards the pipe to be sucked out every water change.
Also found a cheap way too dose the tank aswell.
Well intrested to see what your finished priduct looks like.
Fri Jun 18, 2004, 10:07 PM
I have the benifit of having as tank 1 metre deep.
presure should be fine at say 40-50cm deep.
i will cut another hole in the tank at the desirable level, install a "tank Through", solinoid on the outside, pvc piping and (fingers crossed) all done.
so any way "hi ho, hi ho, its of to blow cash i go"
Sat Jun 19, 2004, 06:56 AM
Not that expensive. Solenoids open are about $30 and closed about $90. Heater standard, dont know how much a critsen is but i dont think the whole thing would cost you more than $500 excluding the storage tank.
Sat Jun 19, 2004, 08:11 AM
Excellent! if its not that expensive spot me the cash!
i will forward my bsb and acc number for a direct deposit.
don't forget ill need a controller and a new air pump so you better make it a cool grand!
HA HA HA HA HA :wink:
Sat Jun 19, 2004, 08:31 AM
You were saying your budget on the second half of this was $2000, so spend $500 and you can deposit the other $1500 in my account.
Sat Jun 19, 2004, 08:52 AM
i bow to thee oh jedi master!
that is true, dosen't mean i part with it easy though!
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