View Full Version : Reverse Osmosis Water

Mon Dec 05, 2005, 05:12 AM
Is it advisable to use reverse osmosis water with discus? If so, what benefits are there to using it?


Mon Dec 05, 2005, 06:09 AM
When you Ro water you push water through a semi permeable membrane under presure as a result you get two seperate flows of water out the other end

One flow is pure H2O with nothing added

the other is a soultion with all the salts and chemicals that the water source contains

the Pure H2o is no good for any fish without the addition of some naturally occuring minerals readded

the benifits of useing RO'ed water with discus is that you can vary the hardness of the water to suit yourself, i use a RO unit on my Bore water which is of a high sodium content.

this gives me the ability to keep discus in the bush without using all my tank water! :wink:

Mon Dec 05, 2005, 11:36 AM
Ryan hit the nail right on the head!

I have an adapted 3 stage ro unit where out going water can be adjusted to either pure filtered water, various % of ro water or even pure ro water.

Ro water is really used for those that have high salt/hardness content in their water and which to reduce it easily and effectively.

If pure ro water was used for discus they would dies in a matter of time due to calcium deficiencies

If you are looking at filtering your water there are many brands which work very well and the 2 stage filter i am using on my flow through tank is excellent!
