View Full Version : Purchasing Quality Fish

Sat Dec 03, 2005, 03:34 PM
Hello, while I'm not new to Discus, I'm having trouble finding quality fish. I have read that in looking for quality Discus, you want to look for a good round shape (i.e. rounded fins) bright red eyes, and accentuated vertical bars.

Alot of the fish I have seen lately do not have any or only some of these qualities. I assume it is from breeding of inferior fish. Is there a registered standard for Discus like there are for dogs? Also, does anyone know of a reputable breeder in the greater Houston Texas area? Thanks.

Sun Dec 04, 2005, 03:16 AM
Hi Mate,

Im not sure in your situation as to where you can get them from - but I would say that you should probably look at going via an importer and NOT a local fish shop. This is because via - importer the fish are much better quality and are younger (so can grow bigger). Although if you do go to a LFS make sure you go to a reputable one with people who know what theyre doing.


Mon Dec 05, 2005, 04:18 AM
check www.simplydiscus.com its american based discus forums. you will find lots of information regarding breeders and sellers there

Mon Dec 05, 2005, 06:31 AM
Contact one of the users here danDman (http://www.discusforums.com/forum/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=71)

He is local to you


Mon Dec 05, 2005, 12:13 PM
Hi G- 1000

Just picking up from our texas mate but putting the same question to you but in Sydney where would you suggest I look.

I havent had discus for a few years but my new tank is not far off being ready for them. So I want to start the hunt for its new residents, I'm on the North Shore and all the shops round here have a pretty poor selection. I'm cool to jump in the car anywhere in sydney.

From what Ive read SLS seem to be the go but do you have any other suggestions.

Thanks ~~ rupes88

Mon Dec 05, 2005, 09:09 PM
Thanks for all the info guys, I appreciate it.