View Full Version : Eco-Aqualizer trial
Sat Jun 12, 2004, 12:28 AM
Test specifics;
Adding a X75 Eco-Aqualizer to a 68g tank (48x18x18)
pH usually @ 6.5 but drops slowly until next water change (to approx 6.2-6.3)
Water changes @ 6-8g (30L approx) every day or second day
Temp - 28-29c
Stocked with 12 Juvenile sized Discus
Bare Bottom tank with potted plants
Filtration prior to adding Eco-Aqualizer 2 x AC300's, 1 x AC200, 1 x Sacem Marathon 1500 Canister, 3 x Air Powered sponge filters.
Sat Jun 12, 2004, 08:35 AM
DAY 1;
Unit is in place, it is hooked up to the return line of the Marathon 1500.
Parameters at 11.00am, 12th June 2004
(last water change 2 days prior)
pH = 6.52
Ammonia = <0,25mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = <5mg/L
(15% water change and floor vac undertaken when Eco-Aqualizer was connected)
Sun Jun 13, 2004, 03:05 AM
Day 2;
pH = 6.51
Ammonia = <0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = <0mg/L
(No water change today)
Behaviour, only minimal change, seem to be more active, and one which has been quite dark lately is now unrecognisable.
Water clarity has not changed, although it was very clear beforehand.
Mon Jun 14, 2004, 12:48 AM
Day 3;
pH = 6.50
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0mg/L
(5% Water Change done after testing water quality)
No obvious changes from previous day, however for the first time since this tank has been operational (9 months) I havent had a pH drop, normally after 2 days it would be down to 6.3-6.25.
Tue Jun 15, 2004, 09:22 AM
Day 4;
pH = 6.51
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0mg/L
Very happy with NH4 & NO3 test results, no visible readings. (mind you, previously I only checked these weekly or fortnightly, if ever there was a rise, it was only marginal)
pH is stable, which is something I havent had before, other than that, no significant changes.
Wed Jun 16, 2004, 11:09 AM
Day 5;
pH = 6.49
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0mg/L
Still no readings on NO3 or NH4...
Fish seem to be a little more vibrant today.
Thu Jun 17, 2004, 12:22 PM
Day 6;
pH = 6.47
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0.1mg/L
very marginal NO3 reading, could almost class it as 0mg/L but to have an accurate trial any reading will be noted and rounded up.
Fri Jun 18, 2004, 12:52 PM
Day 7;
pH = 6.49
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0mg/L
(10% Water Change done 2hrs prior to testing water quality)
Water very clear, I would say the water change helped, but considering I have cut water changes by 50% it is as clear as doing daily water changes.
Normally once or twice a week I need to give the glass a quick clean due to microscopic algae attaching itself, I have not needed to do that this past week.
No readings on any tests, fish are very active, colours good.
Fri Jun 18, 2004, 02:33 PM
Damn shouldnt have done the water change Pro, wanted to see how long it was going too be before those nitrates built up.
Fri Jun 18, 2004, 09:21 PM
I need to schedule things in as best possible with work and stuff...
I can do the testing at the same time everyday, but water changes have to be squeezed in when possible.
I am going to pick up a Nitrites testing kit tomorrow (my set is missing bits and no solution left) so that will be added to the list.
Sat Jun 19, 2004, 01:03 PM
Day 8;
pH = 6.48
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0mg/L
No other changes observed.
Tue Jun 22, 2004, 12:14 PM
Day 9;
pH = 6.49
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0mg/L
No other changes.
Tue Jun 22, 2004, 12:15 PM
Day 10;
pH = 6.45
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0mg/L
Water is very clear, no water changes in 3 days, will be doing a 10-20% water change after testing parameters.
Tue Jun 22, 2004, 12:19 PM
Day 11;
pH = 6.43
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0mg/L
(15% Water Change done after the last water quality test)
Fish appear to be brighter today, no other differences in behaviour or the way they laze around.
Tue Jun 22, 2004, 02:29 PM
Seems like its worth it, you happy with the results mate??
Tue Jun 22, 2004, 10:49 PM
The only solid findings I can make out is it does help regulate the pH in some way, and the algae growth on the sides and bottom of the tank seems to be non-exsistent.
Clarity of the water has not changed much, and I would still never reduce my water change schedule as per the manufacturers claims. It would take something spectacular for me to risk over $1,000 worth of fish, apart from the cost there is the morale issues at stake.
Overall so far I would conclude, if the same model I am using cost $30-$70 then I may consider it, but at the prices shown on the company website, I would be very hesitant.
Hope that makes sense, lets just say I am sitting on the fence till I do some more tests.
Wed Jun 23, 2004, 12:08 AM
Yeah i understand what you mean. When i saw the price i thought the same thing, as you can get a large cannister filter for that price.
But i though if it really did do what it claimed it might be worth it. I eagarly antiscipate.
Sat Jun 26, 2004, 12:41 AM
Day 12;
pH = 6.46
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0.1mg/L
Fish very active today
Sat Jun 26, 2004, 12:43 AM
Day 13;
pH = 6.44
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0.1mg/L
(10% water change performed after testing)
New test 1 hr after water change
pH = 6.58
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0mg/L
Sat Jun 26, 2004, 12:45 AM
Day 14;
pH = 6.54
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0mg/L
No algae build up on the glass which is good, all fish bright and active.
Sun Jun 27, 2004, 03:02 AM
Day 15;
pH = 6.52
Ammonia = 0.01mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0.1mg/L
No water change in 2 days, fish have been very active, first time both tests have registered even though only microscopic amounts...
Will leave water change till tomorrow to see if the levels increase at all.
(however checking both levels later on)
Sun Jun 27, 2004, 03:05 AM
Day 16;
pH = 6.49
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0.1mg/L
Levels have normalised prior to 20% water change???
levels tested again 2hr's after water change
pH = 6.61
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0mg/L
Mon Jul 05, 2004, 04:55 AM
Day 17;
pH = 6.58
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0mg/L
Mon Jul 05, 2004, 04:56 AM
Day 18;
pH = 6.55
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0mg/L
Mon Jul 05, 2004, 04:58 AM
Day 19;
pH = 6.49
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0.1mg/L
(10% water change performed after testing)
New test 2 hr's after water change
pH = 6.61
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0mg/L
Mon Jul 05, 2004, 05:00 AM
Day 20;
pH = 6.57
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0mg/L
Mon Jul 05, 2004, 05:04 AM
Day 21;
pH = 6.54
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0mg/L
(50% water change completed prior to re-commencing tests without the Eco unit attached)
Mon Jul 05, 2004, 05:05 AM
Day 22;
pH = 6.68
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0mg/L
Mon Jul 05, 2004, 05:07 AM
Day 23;
pH = 6.49
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0mg/L
(already a .2 drop in pH)
Chris McMahon
Mon Jul 05, 2004, 06:53 AM
Day 23;
(already a .2 drop in pH)That's most likely due to the 50% water change. Unless you're sure your water change water is exactly the same pH as your tank, I'd bet that is the cause of your pH swing.
Also looking back on your trail, I'd say that the decrease in water changes during the trail was the cause of the lessening of swings also.
Before your next water change, measure the tank pH directly before and after, as well as the water change water itself.
Mon Jul 05, 2004, 07:57 AM
The aged water is ALWAYS 6.50 to 6.70. As per previous, if I was to leave the tank 3-4 days I would have a problem... I have had pH spikes of 4.8 in 5 days from being lazy and not doing water changes... the lowest it got after only 2-3 days was 5.83.
If you look at some of the water change intervals I left it 3 days on several occasions which I only did for the purposes of this test, and the fluctuation was very minimal.
As Sydney's available water level decreases the water is getting softer however the pH is still at 7.6-7.8 at the tap.
measure the tank pH directly before and after, as well as the water change water itself
??? I did this on 4-5 occasions.. prior and after tests
Mon Jul 05, 2004, 08:07 AM
Here is a great article and test done by one of the members over at 3reef Forums.
ECO-Aqualizer, My Review, Locked and Loaded... (;action=display;num=105080033 3)
Mon Jul 05, 2004, 11:36 PM
Day 24;
pH = 6.27
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0.5mg/L
pH has dropped 0.41 since the last water change
(20% water change performed after testing)
New test 1 hr after water change
pH = 6.65
Ammonia = 0mg/L (ppm)
Nitrates = 0.1mg/L
Tue Jul 06, 2004, 01:46 AM
By the looks of the reviews on the reef sites there has been mixed emotions there too. Although it seems alot more useful for them as it keeps the calcium stable.
I dont doubt that it doesnt work, i just dont know if its worth the kind of money they are selling for.
Mon Jul 19, 2004, 02:06 PM
I will be re-commencing this trial once I return from the U.S.
stay tuned for updates.
Mon Aug 02, 2004, 02:55 PM
some interesting links on the eco equaliser...;action=display;threadid=5294;vi ew=all
Mon Aug 02, 2004, 03:02 PM
more info
Mon Aug 02, 2004, 03:06 PM
90% of the links anybody could come up with have no basis or foundation, just some pathetic sceptical view from someone who hasnt used one.
The test stats on Inland Reef are also flawed and "adjusted" plus from word around online, the cut apart model was a prototype, so of course it will be put together a little haphazardly.
In my searches I could only find 4-5 articles that are rational, scientific, with valid proof that it does do something, maybe not what the manufacturer claims, but it does help things...
For an "Informed" and constructive critique on this product check out ECO-Aqualizer, My Review, Locked and Loaded... (;action=display;num=105080033 3)
it is not all tarted up, just cold hard facts, hence why i decided to add my 2c worth to the topic.
Mon Aug 02, 2004, 03:09 PM
i hope you don't think i was having a go at the product or anything ro.... it's just the first other information on it that i have found....
are you still on hols mate??? how is everything going??
Mon Aug 02, 2004, 03:18 PM
Matt, no I didnt think you were having a bite, just putting it out there, as it is disgusting the way some other forums and there members carry on about it.
I am yet to finish what I consider to be an adequate test period, and then to continue the same tests without the unit to get a valid comparison.
if it works, as it has, great... if not, it just gets thrown in the big plastic tub with all the other bits and pieces...
To me there is no win or lose... just checkin something out.
I am back in the real world (physically, mentally I am still half way between Oz & the U.S. I think)...
Mon Aug 02, 2004, 03:22 PM
looking forward to seeing some photos and catching up with you
give me a buzz when your head arrives to
Tue Aug 03, 2004, 10:14 AM
Hi All
I am the importer of this product.
We have a total of five units in testing now for over two months.All people that are trialing these products have had many years in the aquarium trade to make it a fair test so everyone can see the TRUE results.All units have been given out free of charge to all people concerned.
After a few months of trialing the results so far are all coming in much the same-
As for the rest of the claims made well they as yet have not been proved or denied.
But on the claims that have been made true i beleive that the product is worth it just for those reasons alone!!!
If it helps to reduce water changes buy at least 50% then thats a good thing for our countrys water supplies,our time and our hip pocket.
Tue Aug 03, 2004, 02:01 PM
I will also add, once I do some more testing here, when it comes off so I can get some results WITHOUT the Eco unit attached, I will be giving one of the sponsors here a loan of the unit to test it on a compatibly sized Reef tank (as I dont have any Marine tanks running at the moment). Being that this person/business is in the trade, it will be interesting to get there feedback, as from everything I have heard, it is more effective on Marine tanks (as I stated, that is from information gathered, I cant deny or prove if the statements are true or not)...
Tue Aug 03, 2004, 02:08 PM
i can't wait to see results as i am still very interested in the product
Mon Aug 16, 2004, 11:52 PM
I have removed all the Discus from the tank that is appropriately sized for the Eco unit, and placed them into one large Discus tank, that way I can spend more time on a single tank insetad of having to monitor and regulate several tanks.
I am going to do some maintenance on the Eco equipped tank, give it a good clean out, then re-commence testing.
So, esting will start again soon... (once we get some rain to fill our water supllies up and after i do a little bit of a clean up)
Tue Aug 17, 2004, 02:02 AM
Ill be more than happy too test it out for you. I entered that competition on there site but got no reply, seems everyone else that entered got a free eco aslong as they took before and after shots.
Send one my way ill be a lab rat for you!!
Tue Aug 17, 2004, 04:31 AM
yeah i enetered the contest too and got nothing....spewing.
Tue Aug 17, 2004, 09:29 AM
Hi Flukes
I am sorry but the testing period has been going on now for just over 3 months.We are very happy with the results gained in both fresh and saltwater aquariums and the product will be released to the australian market the first week of next month.So look out for it at your lfs.
We only released one to proteus as i was convinced he would give a fair and reasonable test to eco aqualizer (as he has).As in other forums people have rubbished the product without even trying it!!
As for the contest on their website.I understand it is for countries that the eco has been released too so that is probably why you have not heard anything back from them.
Mon Sep 06, 2004, 10:20 AM
I just ordered one from the US. It will be here next week. Will let you know
Mon Sep 06, 2004, 10:32 AM
you could have got one locally... probably cheaper as well...
Tue Sep 07, 2004, 04:57 AM
A mate of mine is comming on holidays next week. I paid for it on this end. The shipping was free because it was shipped to an address in the US.
Tue Sep 07, 2004, 06:15 AM
smart thinking 99... lol
once I get my new BIG tank, I will be re-commencing this trial.
I am also looking at getting one of those pinpoint monitors that displays all water parameters 24/7... (will try it on that tank before it goes into my main display tank)
Tue Sep 07, 2004, 07:30 AM
I am also looking at getting one of those pinpoint monitors that displays all water parameters 24/7... (will try it on that tank before it goes into my main display tank)
We are on the same wave length. He is bring a pinpoint monitor as well.
Now I am considering an Aqua UV sterilizer
Tue Sep 07, 2004, 07:33 AM
What pinpoint model are you getting???
The complete Controller unit (approx US$200 - AU$280)
or one of the individual monitor units.
Tue Sep 07, 2004, 07:48 AM
If you have the Controller, I hope you have a good quality voltage transformer as it is useless on 240v...
Tue Sep 07, 2004, 09:16 AM
I am getting the one below,
I did want the ph controller, however it looked a little bulky. I was going to get the dupa with the controller (very nice looking). However I decided to get a unint where the spare parts are reasonable and available. That ruled dupla out.
By the way is this the UV Sterilizer you are reffering to
Tue Sep 07, 2004, 09:29 AM
Thats the one... no good down here due to voltage and ampage requirments, plus the inability to get the correct sized UV tubes when replacing
Tue Sep 07, 2004, 09:39 AM
Which one do you recommend here in Australia?
I came accross this website
Tue Sep 07, 2004, 10:25 AM
They look good to me, especially the hang on variety. So neat.
Sun Jan 02, 2005, 06:12 AM
eco aqualizer is on special for january
X225 (155 TO 225 gallons)- $95.00
X150 (85 TO 150 gallons)- $85.00
X75 (40 TO 80 gallons)- $78.00
E55 (20 TO 55 gallons)- $65.00
remember all units come with a 6 month guarantee
i will offer free postage :D
Sun Jan 02, 2005, 06:43 AM
i still have my X75 hooked up to my 4ft Discus tank, whilst i havent had time to keep a record of the water parameters, it is always constant, and the water clarity very clear.
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