View Full Version : Hiding Discus
Sun Nov 20, 2005, 08:07 AM
Hey everyone just brought 5 Red Turks 10 weeks old off Rod Lewis :D and I have had them in there for about 2 days and every time I go near the tank to w/c feed even watch them they swim away and hide.
I was woundering how long do baby discus take in a new tank to settle in :?:
One more thing if a bit of brine shrimp or beef heat falls on the bottom of the tank how long does it take before it starts to make the water foul :?:
Thankyou very much for ya help :D
PS:Anyone that lives near Brisbane that wants quality discus and cheap as chips give Rod Lewis a ring :wink:
Sun Nov 20, 2005, 10:44 AM
Mulisha sometimes it takes a week or two for them to settle in. Just keep doing your usual water changes and feeding them, they will eventually get used to you. Everyone feels strange in a new house.
You usually find that any food that falls to the bottom gets picked up by them - they love their food. If there is a lot there you may be overfeeding - the general rule is a little amount, often. Just make sure you vacuum your gravel properly when you do your water changes and you shouldn't have any problems.
Sun Nov 20, 2005, 11:06 AM
Thankyou heaps for replying I don't have any gravel so that shouldn't be a problem ... but was conserned how long before beefheart, bloodworms and granuals would take before they fouled the water and made my discus sick...
Another thing is that my juvies are only about 2 inchs long but seem to be darker then others in the tank.... :?
ThankYou heaps :D
Sun Nov 20, 2005, 03:25 PM
Rick, are they in with bigger discus? Two inch juveniles actually do better in a tank with others of their own size. If you can't keep them in a tank on their own, then make sure you observe them carefully after feeding, to ensure that the smaller ones are getting their share of the food.
To answer your question. Beefheart goes off the quickest, probably 6 hours or so, then bloodworm, and finally I think granules (depending on the amount) could be safely left for about 12 hours.
Food rarely lasts that long in my tanks. A clean up crew of peppermint bristlenose catfish make short work of any excess food. If you don't have any, a few bristlenose cats will help maintain your tanks.
Sun Nov 20, 2005, 11:12 PM
Hey Merrilyn,
I just set up this tank and there is only 5 juvie Red Turksin there but there 1 that may bit bigger and is more like the leader of the pack lol..
They seem to be nocturnal soon as the lights go off there out and about swimming around near the surface etc and when the lights are on there on the bottom hiding and may come out a bit to feed etc....
There is a large bit of driftwood in there that they can can hide behind if stressd but they seem to always be hiding so if anyone can help make these little fellas come out would be great... and Rod Lewis had the dicus in his fish room and it had no lights on top of the tanks so will they addapt to the light.
Thanks everyone for helping :D Thanks Merrilyn for ur reply :D
Mon Nov 21, 2005, 12:52 AM
I think they're still just getting used to the light on the tank. Nothing to worry about. It will take them a few weeks, but they'll soon adjust to their new tank conditions.
Juveniles are greedy little fish, and will soon be rushing out as soon as food hits the water. When I feed bloodworm, I hold the frozen block in my fingers while it's thawing, and juvies will often come and peck the food out of my fingers.
Mon Nov 21, 2005, 01:17 AM
ok thanks alot Merrilyn for your help i was stressing about them alot hiding and being on the bottom of the tank so know i now that's normal for when there settling in I can start breathing again :lol:
PS: First time keeping dicus I have been getting worried about them and doing 1 50% w/c every day and feeding brine shrimp,bloodworms,tetra bits 5 feeds a day sounds like a good life for me lol
Thanks again for your help.. :D
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