View Full Version : do discus swim?
Thu Nov 17, 2005, 06:54 AM
This is kinda a stupid question but i've noticed that my discus rarely swims. Most of the time they just sit around waiting for food. When they see me walk into the room they would all come to the corner of the tank where i feed them. Other than that, nothing.... no fighting, no courtship... nothing.
Is this normal or is something wrong with my water? My water parameters are:
Ammonia = 0
Nitrite = 0
Nitrate = 20
Ph = 7.4
Thu Nov 17, 2005, 08:42 AM
hello there, i agree its a silly question, as far i know just like humans and all living creatures can be lazy, fish can also be lazy, only goes to eat but nothing else, but for me to answer if discus swims, as u see them alive in the tank, they are swiming otherwise they be lay flat down as realy dead etc or they would be floating as dead too etc, and i belive your fish are swiming because they still alive, look after them well and have a great day ,,,,, ben
electric molecular
Thu Nov 17, 2005, 09:04 AM
Hey endless,
hehe I think Ben took what you meant about discus swimming a little too literally. :lol:
I know what you mean though...discus just seem to "float", rather than swim, around the tank in comparison to other types of fish. Mine must be lazy too, 'cos they seem to hang around at the front of the tank all day long just waiting to be fed. I often see them looking up in the hopes of food. The only time I see "turbo" discus' is when they are chasing each other around--again, mostly a food-related activity! Since your fishies don't even fight, maybe they are passive aggressive and need some therapy lol? :wink:
So the short and skinny of it is that your fish are completely normal!
Thu Nov 17, 2005, 09:14 AM
I think it could be a slow metabolism.
I would be inclined to up the water changes over the next week and see if this peps the discus up.
maybe a picture would be good if possible.
keep us posted though...
Thu Nov 17, 2005, 09:49 AM
Discus do move ... everything is relative though ... although I only have 10 discus now, in a 4x2x2, atleast 7-8 do move around abit, while 2 of them seem to be 'lazy' and don't like to move from their favoutite spots unless encouraged. But don't expect a schooling fish of followers that go from one side of the tank to the other all day ;)
Fri Nov 18, 2005, 05:45 AM
Ben you can see pics of my discus at
I think my discus are generally lazy however i have noticed that whenever i use nitrazorb (i use 4 pouches at a time cause my tank is about 500lt) they tend to swim less. It sounds weird cause nitrazorb is suppose to only absorb nitrate (and a little bit of ammonia and nitrite) and nothing else. But i swear when nitrazorbs in the tank they swim less. Maybe its absorbing some other nutrients as well that the fish needs. In terms of water changes i do about 40% three times a week or twice if im lazy. Come to think of it the plants seem to suffer a bit as well when im using nitrazorb. hmmm maybe im just imagining things or maybe im using too much nitrazorb at a time. Maybe i should switch to purigen.... i think im just rambling... ill shut up now.
Fri Nov 18, 2005, 11:12 AM
I am not familiar with nitrazorb so i don’t know what negative side affects it may have.
Try and keep 3x %40 water changes per week as a minimum.
What sorts and how often do you feed the discus?
This might be a considering factor why they are lethargic.
Mon Nov 21, 2005, 12:50 AM
i feed at least twice a day, sometimes more if im at home. they get beef heart, frozen brine shrimp, blood worms and tetra bits
Mon Nov 21, 2005, 03:49 AM
good variety of foods, what about the water temp?
Mon Nov 21, 2005, 05:55 AM
28 degrees
Tue Nov 22, 2005, 04:30 AM
If they are not fighting and not darting through the water, then what are you worried about??
You could always get them a ball, so they can play catch with each other. :wink:
Wed Nov 23, 2005, 03:07 AM
I think i've figured it out. Its my lights. I have really bright metal halides and the other day i just happened to in the living room where my tank is when the timer cut in to turn off the lights (im usually asleep by then cause i have my timer set at 12am). Immediately after i noticed my fish start swimming around and displaying courtship behaviour. Half of them have their fins erect and slapping their bodies around. It was really interesting ... i think i sat there watching for like 1 hr before i realised that i had to work the next day. Anyway now i have a problem cause i have a planted aquarium and i dont know whether to keep the lights on or reduce the light.
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