View Full Version : eco aqualizer

Sat Jun 05, 2004, 12:05 PM

We have started importing this great new product.We are looking for people to try and rate this product for us.

Go to www.ecoaqualizer.com to find out more.This is a great new product.I have been using them on my marine tanks with great results.We need expert discus keepers to trial now!!!



Sat Jun 05, 2004, 02:40 PM
All aquariums contain metabolic wastes and dissolved organic carbons which over time slowly deteriorate the quality of water and creates unstable conditions. Unfortunately, monthly water changes have been the only way to help correct these issues.

Monthly?? monthly sounds like a holiday!!
I would be intrested in finding information on what is actually in the cylinder and how it works. Sure the info on the page tells of how all the wonders it performs but then again geo-liquid was meant to be the greatest break through in aquarium maintaince.
Think i might wait till i hear some positive feed back from hobbiests before i rush out to buy one.

Sat Jun 05, 2004, 02:46 PM
Just read through the demonstration on how the molecules are broken down so the toxins are seperated from nutrients and then removed using the filter but how?? Its all well and dandy to claim this but how is this done, what is in the cyclinder..

Seems like it could be a good addition to a tank, iam just a bit sceptical as ive seen so many of these products that claim to perform miricles.

Sat Jun 05, 2004, 03:03 PM
Sorry been reading some more,, prices??? Wholesale its $US98 for the x225 for a 4x18x18 so with the dolar atm what we looking at about $160, how much can you get them for?

Sun Jun 06, 2004, 01:04 AM
An idea of prices would be great.

What I want to know, is it based on UV, Ozone, or just Ionization???

not enough info on there website to answer all my questions.

Sun Jun 06, 2004, 10:27 AM
Hi proteus and flukes

Thanks for your interest in this new product.

I cant actually tell you what exactly is in the cyclinder as i have sighned a contract not to do so.But i can tell you is it is basically a magnetic -ceramic disc.The technology was found in the medical industry for seperating white and red blood sells and it has advanced from there.

Basically it pulls apart the molicles in the water to let your current filtration work to its full.When i placed the eco aqualizer on my marine tank the skimmer sludge was a lot darker and a lot smellier in just a couple of days.

We are still working out final retail prices but i can say is that we are trying to keep the prices down to a low level so everyone can use this product.

But in england the prices are way over the top for example the biggest unit X225 sell for $420.00(just way too much)

I would expect the X75 which does 180ltrs-340ltrs would hope to sell for about the $170.00 range.

I know new products come and go But how many give a 180 day money back guarantee.

I am sorry about the long reply i will keep the posts shorter next time.

By the way MR JACK WATLEYS DISCUS FARM is currently trialing this product and what i have been told he is very happy with the eco aqualizer and they are trying to get him to give a testimonial on their website.


Sun Jun 06, 2004, 10:36 AM
Tanks, if you can give more info regarding tests that have been performed I may be interested in doing some research on it myself.

Whilst I understand you have tried it on a Marine Tank, I want specifics for a FW tank, especially a soft water low pH tank that house Discus.

Sun Jun 06, 2004, 10:58 AM
Yeah i read a few testimonials on the website, even the ones with discus keepers but i cant see that it would make that much of a difference for the price i fear they will be introduced at. And thats just to break up the molecules so the filter can dispose of them, a UV sterilier is cheaper and it distroyes it.
Still looks intresting and i wouldn't mind finding out more about it, it must work as a 180day warranty speaks for itself, but does it make that much of a difference for the money it costs. Most discus tank you would need the x225 and maybe larger. The company has a price of $98 US for this model and then it has to go through the retail store along with their markup, by the time it hits a stire shelf your looking at $200+ you could buy a second filter for that price.

Thu Jun 10, 2004, 12:03 PM
A comprehensive local test will be commenced in the coming days, with locally bred Discus.

It must be remembered, that this unit can be used in conjunction with a UV Clarifier, so long as it is placed after it in the flow of water.

After reading comments such as the following, I am salivating at the thought of some very happy Discus.

Oh thank you, thank you!
My discus are so much more vibrant. In only one day, they were breathing so much easier and my water is much clearer.

Thank you so much!

Wendy Kallery , Marquette, MI

My discus were always hiding and extremely jumpy. With your filter the water has cleared up better than ever before.

Within a week, the discus were out and constantly swimming around. No more hiding! Excellent product and I plan on getting one for my reef tank.

Lisa Poynor , Sugarland, TX

Very interesting and exciting new product concept. Thank you for the unit and I will soon let you know my results. If positive as I have heard, I will be letting all my customers in on this new product. Talk to you soon.

Chris Zukowoski, Carpentersville, IL

Dear Sirs, Your Ecoaqualizer works wonderfully. I think it actually polishes the water. I now have polished water in my 300 gallon fresh water tank. I highly recommend to anyone keeping Discus and Cardinal
Tetras. Thanks and best regards,

Darrell W. Lowder, St. Albemarle, NC


milt master p
Fri Jun 11, 2004, 07:31 AM
I will join your trial. I am very interested in filtration and currently run cannisters with fluidized bed filters. I am a pharmacologist by trade and am interested in the technology. Can you tell me more about the science behind it. At first glance it seems that it may have a hint of the Peter Brock-polarizer-Holden debarcle.

Dr Paul O'Leary

Fri Jun 11, 2004, 08:48 AM
At first glance it seems that it may have a hint of the Peter Brock-polarizer-Holden debarcle

ok... it is very rare that this happens, but I am stumped???


Fri Jun 11, 2004, 04:54 PM
yeah.....WHAT THE??????

Fri Jun 11, 2004, 11:51 PM
I think I know what Milt Master was refering to with the Peter Brock-polarizer-Holden debarcle comment.
About 5 years ago if not longer Peter Brock put his name to a product that was going to make your car run better and more economical. All it was, was some gizmo that you attached to your engine but apparently did nothing. From memory it was some box that helped keep the engine balanced therefore making it run better and more economical. He got a lot of sh** over it and the product never took off. I could be wrong to exactly what the product did but I do know for a fact that he got burnt putting his name to it.


Fri Jun 11, 2004, 11:59 PM
argghhhhh... ok...

well I have done some homework over the past 24hrs and have been in contact with some peeps stateside that actually have one of these units...

all I got was good feedback...

I will see for myself very soon... hooking one up shortly

Sat Jun 12, 2004, 12:46 AM
Trial details can be found here...


Mon Jun 14, 2004, 12:30 AM
this type of product has been around for a while.

used extensiley on bore water to reduce the amount of nitrites in the water, stableize PH and reduce calcium and iron build up especially in the farming and nursery industries.

they do work! (although i have never tried them on any type of fish)

(if the product is the same as mine) they use a small electrial charge to change the structure of nirtites into nitrates (i think, i always get this around the wrong way) and they are sold by many companys.

for example sea world uses a "deionizer" in the ploar bear encolsure

Chris McMahon
Tue Jun 15, 2004, 02:10 AM
Interesting (http://www.inlandreef.com/Testing/Eco.html).

Tue Jun 15, 2004, 09:08 AM
as I have commented on elsewhere.

That test is very open, and there are too many variables, and not enough specifics...

I want cold hard facts, hence my test...