View Full Version : My Discus and shyness
Thu Oct 27, 2005, 10:12 PM
hey guys,
since they have been in the new tank they spend about 90% of there time hiding,
sure they haven't been in the new tank a week yet but i'm a little worried about this...
in the old tank, it was darker, alot less plants and hiding places so the discus were alot more active, and viewable..
should this shyness go away over time? as they get more comfortable in there new enviroment?
Fri Oct 28, 2005, 12:33 AM
i find when i move discus to other tanks be it new or or old i find it takes them around two weeks to used to the tanks i have here
what i do is lots of wc and feed lightly and i try and have more than two fish in the tank the more the merrier they are
Fri Oct 28, 2005, 02:33 AM
Hey Stu,
Relax a minute mate - from what I have experienced this is entirely normal.
In my case, I had introduced 4 discus at once into a tank (obviously cycled properly etc) and they wouldnt move at all for about 2 weeks - they didnt even eat. During this time they had daily water changes of 20% to make sure the tank was clean and i fed them lightly each day to no avail.
Then for no apparent reason - i added food about 2.5 weeks later and they devoured it entirely. So i fed more - then more and they kept eating. Now all 4 are happy little beasts.
Moral of the story - they will come around in due course just provide them with good conditions and the good little discus will do the rest.
Fri Oct 28, 2005, 03:00 AM
Hi Stu,
Im not that experienced on the subject but i found that when i first got my discus they were very very shy for about 2 weeks they didnt start to eat properly until about a week after i put them in the tank..
electric molecular
Fri Oct 28, 2005, 05:18 AM
Hey Stu,
I would say just to be patient with them, but if you want to make them as 'at home' as you can, and if you haven't already, perhaps you should think about adding some dither fish such as Cardinal tetras. I think the presence of tetras in my discus tank relaxes them.
If you also have good plant coverage for them, esp. along the sides of the tank, they should pick up some confidence to come out soon. :)
Fri Oct 28, 2005, 01:57 PM
thanks everyone yeah i think so too. when i 1st got my discus they were shy and wouldnt eat for about 2 weeks, eventually they came around..
when i moved them last week, they seemed to settle straight away they ate the next day, but after that they went shy.. odd huh. they seems to be out and about when i'm not in the room, but if i wanan sit and wait for them to watch them i have to wait 10-20 mins.. i have some rummy nose tetras, a bn ans 3 bronze cats in the tank too.
i keep the tank clean,
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