View Full Version : a very weird question for this forum and can be deleted
Fri Oct 21, 2005, 11:52 PM
ok moderators, hope i dont breake the rules, but i'm curious how my fellow discus people feel about US's "war on terror"? coz im strongly opposed and just wanted to know how others here feel, coz i found out on political message board that some of my biggest enemies (who like bush) like exactly the same type of music i do...
Sat Oct 22, 2005, 12:13 AM
axelfaz's wife is gonna have a field day here!
Sat Oct 22, 2005, 12:14 AM
This thread should be moved to the "Amazon Lounge" ... :P
I think they are doin the right thing about it ... maybe they could do it in a better way but i personally have know problem with the US trying to capture those people that bomb and kill inocent people .. :evil:
Just my opinion , :D
Sam ..
Sat Oct 22, 2005, 01:03 AM
[Topic moved]
Personally I would prefer to stay away from politics, religion, etc.
However this thread may remain so long as things remain civil. If things do get out of hand, or heated it will be removed without hesitation.
Sat Oct 22, 2005, 02:37 AM
Old African adage:
When elephants make war, the grass suffers.
When elephants make love, the grass suffers.
wifey of axelfaz
Sat Oct 22, 2005, 07:07 AM
Old African adage:
When elephants make war, the grass suffers.
When elephants make love, the grass suffers.
Littlefish has got in one.
rytis there has been war either against terror or just plainly for greed since the beginning of time. Would you prefer to sit back and watch people suffer harsh punishment for things I am sure you take for granted?
Females under the Taliban Rule would be punished if they walked too loudly.
Iraq had a self appointed leader who promoted himself through the ranks of the military so he look good not through merit. A leader who was doing his own form of genocide on the Kurds. Reminds me of another bad guy who goes by the name of Hitler.
Timor who was given the opportunity to vote democratically to decide if they would become an independent nation, once the voices had spoken the one losing didn't bow out gracefully yet torture innocent people to stop it from happening.
If you honestly believe that Mr Bush is the only person giving the nod for the military actions to go ahead than that is a tad naive. Regardless of what the governments gain these people have a right to have their voices heard. The children have a right to education both boys and girls. They have the right to come to their own beliefs.
The thing that gets me is that you are concerned that the people who have opposing views to you so happen to like the same music as you... OMG
You have people in the military ready to lay their life on the line for you.
Think about this..
Australia is one of the most under protected countries. If we were attack by these brained washed fools would you expect our government to stand by and let it happen???
We have one of the smallest military, only enough to protect the southern half of Australia. If we were attacked we would be screwed.
Who do you think would come to our aid????
Having served in the military and have married someone who is still serving it is a disgrace when you are formally ordered not to wear your uniform in public because you get monkeys who think abusing those who serve will make a differents.
rytis everyone is entitled to have their own opinion and I respect that fact. But honestly this is a discus forum not a political arena. We come here for friendship and knowledge not a debate on why the opposition likes the same music as us.
Sat Oct 22, 2005, 09:25 AM
I couldnt have put it better myself.
I am not a racist person in any form, however, something we must remember is what happenned here 60 years ago.
If it wasnt for the Americans we would be probably talking Japanese right now (mmm, just thinking about some yummy sushi and saki, YUMMO).
And, what about the 3000+ lives lost in September 2001, the many lives the year before when the USS Cole was bombed, the 200 innocent civilians in Bali, the 50 train and bus commuters in London, the hundreds of school children in Russia, the innocent people in Spain, etc etc... all of these people had done nothing.
It must be remembered that whilst innocent people have been kiiled in the war against terror, they are not the primary target, sadly there will always be casualties, however there is a clear objective, whether we agree or disagree, the point remains, fundamentalists, and radicals need to be flushed out and erradicated.
As I have said in another thread in relation to the London bombings, a simple message to all those who preach fear and terror "We are not afraid."
(ok, rant over... I didnt want to get too involved in this however, I am proud to be an Australian, and I am proud of the multicultural society we have, it is times like this I think people need to be reminded of why we have these luxuries, therefore why I dont agree with the anti U.S. sentiments that gets thrown around).
Sat Oct 22, 2005, 11:17 AM
My thoughts on this immediately when I read this post .... is that the number of innocent casualities of these types of wars is shocking, no matter how they try to limit it. Hospitals being blown up etc
Imagine now, just walking outside your home, in your suburb and a bomb lands and detonates outside your house ... or your parents or your friends. That sucks !
Sat Oct 22, 2005, 11:37 AM
ok i was just checking, no need for argument. i don't exactly believe the stories of "Females under the Taliban Rule would be punished if they walked too loudly" or "saddam rapes women for exercise" stuff... also i have seen no evidence of who actually did the terror attacks in either US or Bali or Iraq, but i do remember a few times when british and Israeli officials have been caught dressed as arabs comitting acts on american and Iraqi people.
but then of course i am living in USA, so what can i complain about and it is more free i guess so whatever.... back to discus.... that's why i keep them, helps me forget all the BS in the world...
Sat Oct 22, 2005, 11:38 AM
Unfortunately in our society the media is able to sway many people into believing that everything they report is absolute truth when I believe that unless we are personally either sitting at a presidents or primeministers table or are the heads of the military giving whatever orders, NOBODY really knows what is happening.. If countries such as america ignored the plight of smaller countries enduring genocide and civil wars where many innocent people are losing their lives they would be attacked by the media for being heartless and only looking after their own, as it is now they are attacked for sticking their noses into other countries politics. Just a small eg. If John Howard was a totalitarian and took over Australia and decided to kill minority groups and to use Native australians as slaves and we all were not allowed to own homes, girls were not allowed to be educated, all the bad things you can think of.... I am sure that we would want George Bush and his government to come to the rescue of our people in our country if he had the capacity... We cannot judge unless we are in a similar situation to many of the much unluckier countries than ours in the world.... And as such we should support our Military who are risking their lives for many others to be able live let alone to enjoy a democratic society such as we have... Read George Orwells "1984" and see what life could be like.. it really isn't that far fetched.
Sat Oct 22, 2005, 11:41 AM
ok i was just checking, no need for argument. i don't exactly believe the stories of "Females under the Taliban Rule would be punished if they walked too loudly" or "saddam rapes women for exercise" stuff... also i have seen no evidence of who actually did the terror attacks in either US or Bali or Iraq, but i do remember a few times when british and Israeli officials have been caught dressed as arabs comitting acts on american and Iraqi people; and i do remember fat version of Bin Laden video admitting guilt being found conveniently in mountains of afghanistan once the world started questioning for evidence. and that also makes me a little suspitious...
but then of course i am living in USA, so what can i complain about and it is more free i guess so whatever.... back to discus.... that's why i keep them, helps me forget all the BS in the world...
Sat Oct 22, 2005, 12:01 PM
there really isnt much substance in this topic.
its better we stick to a better topic like discus hey rytis? :wink:
Ro do me a favour and kill this entire post.
Sat Oct 22, 2005, 12:04 PM
Rytis, are u stupid???? Israel has a bad enough public image, with the media distortion they suffer internationally, when has an israeli official been "caught" attacking people dressed as arabs?
Just like they are so heavy handed in blowing up POLITICAL TERRORIST TARGETS, where as its OK to blow up INNOCENT CIVILIANS... Right? Killing mothers and innocent children is justified, but killing terrorists isnt? By the UN (whos HUGELY ANTI ISRAEL BIASED) rules of war, if a military fights within a populated area, it is THEIR resposibility for ANY COLLATERAL DAMAGE... So Israel is being painted as inhumane civilian killers, and the Terrorists fall on their A$$es and laugh!
Are you of the simmilar mindset to that moron in australia that "9/11 was a Jewish conspiracy?"
This is a fish forum, do not insult my religious homeland with unsubstantiated claims...
And also JI Or jimah islamiah claimed responsibility for the bali attacks, you know that Amrosi character....
Stop living such a shelered life, blaming people when you dont entirely know the facts...
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Sat Oct 22, 2005, 12:10 PM
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