View Full Version : Discus & Tetras

Wed Oct 12, 2005, 02:32 AM
I wanna introduce a couple of discus into a 120L tank. The only issue is that it already contains 5 lemon tetras and 5 glowlight tetras. Will they get along????

electric molecular
Wed Oct 12, 2005, 04:28 AM
Hey R3dm4n,

From what I have heard, peaceful tetras are fine with discus, as long as they are big enough that discus can't make a snack out of them and like the same water conds, and temp as discus. Lemon tetras and Glowlights, being from Sth America, should be fine. Other good companions include Cardinals, Bleeding Hearts, Harlequin Rasboras, and Rummy Noses.

Good luck,


Wed Oct 12, 2005, 05:49 AM
Hi Redman and welcome to the forum.

If you've been reading the posts here, you'll know that discus like fairly warm water, at least 29 degrees, so gradually increase the temperature of your tank, and see of your lemon tetras and glowlight tetras are still comfortable.

The ideal companion for discus are cardinal tetras, they are found in the wild in the same water, but small ones will just be seen as a pretty snack.