View Full Version : Whats Wrong

Thu Oct 06, 2005, 12:12 PM
With this discus. Just after i purchased this fish (about 4 weeks ago) its colour darkened and was not eating. I isolated the fish and treated with metro for 3 days. Since putting the fish back in the community tank it seems to eat and hag with the other discus. I am concerned as the fish shows stripes most of the time and is dark. Does it need more time to get over the treatment?

Thu Oct 06, 2005, 02:53 PM
Doesn't look like a happy little fish, does he. :(

If he's eating now, then he must be feeling a bit better, so perhaps he just needs a bit more time to recover.

If there's no improvement, or if the droppings start showing white, another course of metro might be in order, only this time for perhaps 5 days.

Also try soaking some of their dry food in metro and water. I'ts much more effective if the medication goes straight into the stomach where it does the most good.

Fri Oct 07, 2005, 06:13 AM
have to agree, doesn't look happy (mind you looks a little runted as well imo but i'm sure will grow up to be looking ok), are you sure its hex (or some other disease that metro will help with)?


Mon Oct 10, 2005, 02:03 AM
Update :D

I cought this little bugger the other day showing no signs of illness so keeping my fingers crossed. The fish is a little skittish, so when i approach the tank his strips appear but when i catch this fish unaware it seem ok.

The fish is now hand feeding with the other discus as well.

Thanks for all you help. I was a little worried and just when looking at the photo.


Mon Oct 10, 2005, 03:32 AM
glad that he's better. I know how stressful it is constantly watching and second-guessing yourself.. and I know how good it feels when you catch them unawares and they look bright and happy :D Good Luck!!

Mon Oct 10, 2005, 04:20 AM
Have you posted any pictures of your tank Darren from the little I can see of it, it looks awesome. Good to hear your fish is recovering.

Mon Oct 10, 2005, 11:18 AM
that blue diamond looks really nice, the yellow on the bottom front makes it look like a blue ram!hehe

when i used to buy small discus, it always ended up lookin like the brown one in the pic, never had success with treating it!
so i've only bought slightly larger ones and had success!

how did you treat your fish?

Mon Oct 10, 2005, 11:26 AM
Goldfish, I dont think thats a blue diamond.. I think one of the experts should be able to tell us what it is.. blue diamonds dont have bars like that one does on its head.. I agree it is a beautiful fish. I think they might be called violet reflections by some.. I think a variation of a cobalt... can anyone tell me if I am right?

Mon Oct 10, 2005, 11:29 AM
If it has lines on its face and fins, its a cobalt, if it has lines on its body then its a brilliant blue

Tue Oct 11, 2005, 01:25 AM
The blue fish is actually a pearl discus. When i purchased the fish it was white like pearl. I thought it was different and picked it as it had very little blemishes from white. When i got it home and put it in the tank it was blue and thought that it looked cool. I think the blue is a reflection from the blue fluro i have in my combo lights.

As the fish was of a cheaper nature i went and purchased another. They are now one of my favourite fish.

I have also just purchased a good digital camera, so where is the best place to post any pictures?

Tue Oct 11, 2005, 10:14 AM
In the photo album area.. thats where everyone posts most of their pics. :D

Tue Oct 11, 2005, 12:14 PM