View Full Version : turq laying eggs... :(

Wed Sep 21, 2005, 10:54 AM
Okays so as i am typing this my discus is laying eggs (now i deffinalty know its FEMALe there was a pic i posted in possible breeding tube id..

Only trouble is the turq (female) is laying and the male (orangeish red male) is eating them straight away... She lays prolly 10 in each line then male eats them instead of fertalising..

Im wondering is their a way to stop the MALE FORM EATING THE EGGS...or is this just beacuse its the first spawn.. (PLEASE BEAR IN MIND THESE ARE VERY YOUNG DISCUS app 7-8cms)

I have never cared for discus / fry b4 only angelfish

Wed Sep 21, 2005, 11:26 AM
This is normal for young pair to eat their eggs back.

Are they in a breeding tank by themselves ? Or is there any other fish ?

Keep daily water changes to trigger spawning as well as nutrious food such as bloodworms.

It takes a couple of spawning for them to get everything right.

Good luck

Wed Sep 21, 2005, 11:29 AM
Dr V hit the nail on the head!

it will take a few goes before they get it right!
as your discus are still very young, it might take more than half a dozen times to get it right.
But dont worry, when they get it right you will and the pair will have a smile from ear to ear!

keep us posted.


Wed Sep 21, 2005, 10:34 PM
currently they are in a 3 foot tank, with 2 other discus (smaller than them about 4cms-5max).. Though i do have a spare 4 foot floating around, that i could move the smaller ones too..

BUT, a young discus spawning does this affect growth? colour anything like that... Is it good for them to spawn young?

Anyone else notice that there eyes go darker red b4 laying? I could swear they were the brightest red i have ever seen

Thu Sep 22, 2005, 03:39 AM
Colours darken b4 spawning....
Not out of personal experiance but i have read something about the growth rates once they start breeding and i think it said it slows it down, but doesnt stop it...Reason is the fish put most of their efforts into producing the eggs, etc... :)



Fri Sep 23, 2005, 10:17 AM

yeah colours darken and become more prominent as is the case with most fish. I have seen with my fish that the size they start to breed at is pretty much the size they stay. They sometimes get a little bigger, but with fish all bought at the same time i have seen an early pairing and a later one and there is definitely a difference in their size, even after time they didn't grow much more, you can still discern the first pairing from the second. Same food, same water changes, same ph (as much as can be helped lol), so dunno, i'm going with the one size theory.
