View Full Version : Re-adding good minerals and trace elements to RO water?

blackwater spa
Tue Sep 20, 2005, 03:55 PM
After reading the threads here about the heavy metals and other nasties that have been getting into the Sydney water supply, I'm thinking of buying a RO filter to treat the foul tap water before I pour any of it over some poor, unsuspecting discus.

The main reason I would want this RO unit is to remove the copper, any other toxic heavy metals and miscellaneous pollutants completely from the tap water.

Bearing this in mind, it therefore does not make any sense to dilute the RO filtered water back with the toxic brew that comes out of Sydney taps before adding it all back into the discus tank at each water change.

My question then, is - what other way is there to re-add the beneficial minerals and trace elements needed by all living things back into the RO treated water (without having to add one drop of the biochemical experiment that is being passed off as the drinking water for Sydney), in order to achieve the highest quality water possible for use after each frequent and regular water change?

Tue Sep 20, 2005, 11:14 PM
Hi Mate.

good question!
If you are using %100 RO water you will need to add minerlas back into the water.

This product is good to use:

As far as RO units go, i recommend this unit:

The PSI-020A, has a built in TDS meter. so all the water is filtered through the sediment and carbon cartridge, and the desired amount of RO water can be adjusted.
I have my unit at %10 RO water.

If you have any questions let me know!

blackwater spa
Wed Sep 21, 2005, 09:01 AM
Thanks! I think that Kent R/O Right will work for me. :D

I looked up that PSI Water Filters site and it was very informative about the benefits of quality parts and meticulous workmanship vs. sloppy junk. When I have my discus shed set up I'll certainly be looking at that PSI-020A.

I'm totally unfamiliar with how reverse osmosis filters are set up. Does the PSI-020A unit have a pump to draw water from a water storage tank or is it permanently linked up to the tap water supply?

Is the unit left on all the time (and if so, where does the "waste water" go?) or do you just turn it on when you need decent quality water?

Is the "waste water" suitable for use in fancy goldfish tanks or is it better left for flushing toilets?

Wed Sep 21, 2005, 09:36 AM
Hi Mate!

The unit has a valve where water passing through can be altered, depending on how much pure RO water is required. it comes with an inline TDS meter so incomming and out going water can be checked acurately and all water is filtered!

I turn my unit on to fill 200 litre drums and turn it off when they are full!
It connects to a garden hose, so very easy and simple!

Waste water would be better used on the garden or flushed down the toilet!

I estimate the waste water to be 1/5 of water passing through the unit.
