View Full Version : How many bristlenose are required...

Tue Sep 06, 2005, 08:11 AM
I have a 4 foot x 18 x 20 tank with 18 tetra fish, 6 discus, and 3-5 pieces of driftwood (relatively large). My tank is bare bottomed. Just wondering how many bristlenose are required to keep my tank algae free?

Tue Sep 06, 2005, 08:44 AM
all depends on whether it gets any direct sun light, how long you leave your lights in each day, strength of globes etc

i would say just get a bunch of small ones ( half a doz or so) and go from there. if they are not doing to job, get some more. if they are keeping up with it then just sell off excess males as they grow....then you end up with a bonus breeding pair/trio etc of bristlies down the track.

you can then sell the babies or leave them in the tank a discus snacks....

am i looking a little too far down the track....lol
