View Full Version : What steps to take when discus arrive
Wed Aug 31, 2005, 09:30 AM
would like to no of you experts out there what is the best way to put my new discus into my tank, keeping in mind i will have 7 to put in. What would steps would you do if you were me to make it as less stressfull on the fish as possible and does anyone no rod from sunshine discus phone number as he wont get back to me via pm.
cheers axl
Wed Aug 31, 2005, 09:37 AM
yeah i would like to know that as well. Also what is the best way to introduce altum angels into the tank (lady red i think you can help me out here)
Wed Aug 31, 2005, 09:59 AM
Fairly simple acclimatisation process. As these fish will be shipped only for a short period of time (less than 24hours in the bags) and most likely shipped individually, my suggestion would be to open the bags (inside a bucket to avoid spillage), use an airline with a knot on the end to trickle water slowly from your tank into the bags containing fish. You should at least double the water in the bag with your tank water (the more the better), as this will adjust the water parameters inside the bag more and more towards the water parameters in the tank. Take your time acclimatising the fish. Don't hurry.
After that, I would suggest you use your hands (wet them with tank water first) to transfer the fish from the bags into the aquarium one at a time. This is to reduce the damage to the protective slime coat of the discus and thus reducing the chance of any infection happening due to stressed fish and damaged slime coat on the fish.
If however you are not confident on using your hands to transfer the discus, use a fine, soft net and place one (wet) hand over the discus in the net to reduce trashing around. Do ONE FISH AT A TIME!!
After fish are in the tank, u can choose to keep the tank lights off for the first day or so. No quick, jerky movements around tank as it may freak the jittery discus. No feeding at least for the first 24hours. (I know it's tempting to feed them..).
So long as your tank water parameters are within acceptable range, the fish should come around within 2-3days. Bigger fish can sometimes take longer to get used to a new tank situation.
Thu Sep 01, 2005, 11:01 AM
I agree with larger fish taking longer. I bought a brown pidgeon blood off mattzilla and he took 3 weeks before he started coming out of his hiding place.
Kathy H
Thu Sep 01, 2005, 11:38 AM
Hi everyone
Should you intervene when discus that have been in the tank fight with the new fish and how long does this usually go on
Thu Sep 01, 2005, 10:28 PM
The discus will just be letting the new discus noe there place in the tank....the fighting should settle down in a few days... :wink:
Fri Sep 02, 2005, 03:03 AM
Probably the simplest way to introduce a new fish into the tank, is to remove all the fish to a bucket, then rearrange everything in the tank. Plants, rocks, driftwood, the lot. That breaks up any old established territories.
Then introduce your new fish to the tank first, and give him about half an hour to settle in, then add your other fish.
It should make them feel like they are all in a new territory, and put them on an equal footing. You will still have some pushing and shoving, but it should settle fairly quickly.
I try not to intervene too much when there is aggression in a tank, but I do keep an eye on them to see that it doesn't get out of hand. Sometimes it is necessary to give the bully a bit of time out, and let the rest of the tank settle in. That's where your hospital/quarantine tank is useful. Everyone should have one :P
Kathy H
Fri Sep 02, 2005, 11:27 AM
Thanks guys
I was starting to get upset yesterday about the bullying but today I bought another fish and and the bullying has almost stopped,they are also swimming together at the front of the tank like a little school,its definitely a number thing with them isnt it.
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