View Full Version : Prazi for discus and metro what rates
Tue Aug 30, 2005, 12:47 AM
just wanting to no what is the rate for worming your discus and how do you go about it doing it. do you just chuck the tablets into the tank, i have heard of someone that you drain half you water first in your tank so you dont have to use big rates is this right. My next question is what is the rate for Fagyl if i have to use it and they will be going into a 2ft tank when i have problems
cheers axl
Tue Aug 30, 2005, 02:58 AM
Hi axl. Praziquantel is used at the rate of 100mg per 20 litres of tank water, with a 25% water change after 2 days and a cleaning of the filters. The dose needs to be repeated in 7 days to prevent reinfestation. It will control gill and body flukes, and tapeworm.
Flagyl, or Metronidazole is for bacterial infections and also to treat Hex (hole in the head). Dose rate is 250 mg per 10 lts of tank water every 48 hours, with a 30% water change before each new dose, for 3 treatments.
Lights must be off during the treatment, as Metro is destroyed by light. If the fish is still eating, soak some dry food in metro and water. That way it goes straight into the gut where it does the most good, and put the remainder of the metro in the water.
Dropping the level of the water in the tank is a good way to reduce the amount of medication needed. Just make sure your filters and heater can still function properly.
I dissolve my tablets in a small amount of tank water for about an hour, before adding to the tank.
Remember, no carbon in your filters during treatment of any kind, and turn your UV off.
*Admin Edit* Post edited to reflect latest findings on dose rates of Metro.
Tue Aug 30, 2005, 05:37 AM
thanks for the info, i have purchased flagyl tablets which are 400g strength so what would be the rate for that. If i was to take 50% out of my 280ltr and treat prazi in there would i just fill the tank back up after 2 days or would i take another 25% out of 50% and then fill back up ?????
cheers axl
Tue Aug 30, 2005, 05:54 AM
gday mate, having used 400mg tabs myself it can get a tad confusing...
Ill give us a non round number (based on 40L) units to work with to give you an idea...
I'll use 100L as an example capacity
First we figure out how many times 40L fits into the volume we're working with. 100 / 40 = 2.5
We know we treat at the rate of 250mg per 40L, so the overall amount of metronidazole required is therefore 2.5 * 250mg = 625mg
Now, if you're using 400mg tabs, you divide the total amount of Metro required, by tablet amount, which for illustrative purposes is 625 / 400 = approximately 1.5 tablets...
DISCLAIMER: I take no responsibility for any mathematical inaccuracies, or any deaths or injuries sustained by using the treatment.. i do not promote the use of prescription drugs either without proper vet dosage reccomendations.
Tue Aug 30, 2005, 06:08 AM
Hey benny,
cheers for that, nice disclaimer down the bottom i like that but dont worry i havent got my discus yet so you have no chance of killing them i am just preparing myself and would you be able to answer the second part of my 2 post
thanks axl
Tue Aug 30, 2005, 09:56 AM
haha,,these days u can sue for anything,,,,one day someone might sue the discus forum for causing them to hurt their fingers while typing for advice!!hahaha
Fri Jul 07, 2006, 12:50 AM
If these meds are applied to the fish food then I guess lower concentrations would need to be applied right?
And also, I believe metro is light sensitive. If it is added to the food and not just through the water is it necessary to have lights out conditions??
Fri Jul 07, 2006, 03:47 AM
Just found a disturbing post in another thread and I quote:
Quote Proteus,
Metro + BN = Dead BN
I learnt the hard way, and it only took an hour before one BN was belly up...
I wish I saw this about 12 hours of metro treatment ago. Guess I'll have a few suprises when I get home. YAY! :roll:
Mon Oct 30, 2006, 06:16 AM
Hi guy's,
My g/f is a vet so getting some of this stuff is easy for me 8-)
100mg/20l (or 5mg/l)water seems a lots of tablets. G/f tells me their prazi comes in 50mg tablets. Thats 30 tablets for my 300 litre tank. Does prazi disolve well in tank water? I don't want heaps of residue.
Also note that flagyl will kill cardinals, rainbows and even smaller angels and silver sharks. My b/n lived as did my discus, but only just and I started doing 50% w/c every 12 hours straight after medicating. It was horrible to watch the little guy's freaking out. I can't remember the dosage I used but it was given by 1 of Australia's most respected fish vets. He even chaged his book regarding treating velvet after my experience.
And before anybody asks... My g/f will not prescribe these drugs to anybody she doesn't know unless they can prove to her the fish have been properly diagnosed. It's not worth her career.
Wed Mar 28, 2007, 06:42 AM
Mixing Prazi into foods, particular frozen food, what rates is recomended.
Over the past five years I have lost one discus a year due to intestinal problems, Hex...
Ive dosed quarantine tanks with Metro with out cure. And slowly watch my beloved discus die. Eventually Culling them.
With advice from my new LFS owner, he advised to mix food into frozen foods.
One tablet, mixed into food dosed the whole tank feeding them for a week on it.
Fish cured in days.........
No Quarintining, no fuss, no diming lights no water changes. one tablet.......
Wed Mar 28, 2007, 07:45 AM
What are the recommended rates of prazi , metro , octozin in food?
mistakes r crucial
Wed Mar 28, 2007, 07:47 PM
Hi David,
The dosage rates I have here are Metronidazol 1gm Metro per 100gms of food fed 3 times a day for 3 days. Prazi 400mg per 100gms of food fed for a week.
Wed Mar 28, 2007, 10:42 PM
Cheers Mac.
Thu Mar 29, 2007, 05:32 AM
in feed medication (dose's expressed as mg's of medication{only active medication} per kilogram of bodyweight)
100mgs/kg for metronidazol
with praziquantel in food 5-12 grams is used per kg of food prepared and dosed upto 4 or 5 days
the dose mac has printed i have also written in stoskopf medicine of fish ..though just under telost or shark dosing.. i think slightly higher is safer in boney fish
or 50mgs/kg can be gavaged (stomach tubed) as a one of dose
Thu Mar 29, 2007, 05:38 AM
One tablet, mixed into food dosed the whole tank feeding them for a week on it.
is that one tablet per day for 7 days ?
Fri Mar 30, 2007, 10:50 AM
Cheers Andrew. Fish_r, you can't work on that dosing information. You have to work on a mg of active per g of food as supplied by Mac and Andrew for which you would need some very accurate scales.
Sat Sep 15, 2007, 01:36 PM
I was following day 1 metro treatment - dissolving metro at the rate of 250 mg per 10 it's of tank. Initially was going to do the 2 follow up treatments, with a 30% water change before each new dose, for 3 treatments (48hrs between treatments).
I've now added metro to my beef heart mixture and the fish in question is eating it. I think I read that eating the metro is more effective than tank dosing. If my fish is eating the metro/food mix - does this mean that I am able to cease the metro bath in the tank? Happy to do both if necessary, but also keen to save wasting the metro for the tank dosing, if it's now unnecessary. Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Moderators, I'm going to start a new thread for this question, as today is the day I either "dose" or "don't dose" the water column. If you can, can you pls delete this one, as it will be a double post. Thannks.
Sat Mar 15, 2008, 03:15 PM
Flagyl, or Metronidazole is for bacterial infections and also to treat Hex (hole in the head). Dose rate is 250 mg per 10 lts of tank water every 48 hours, with a 30% water change before each new dose, for 3 treatments. Is this still the current dosing rate for metro? I thought someone mentioned to me recently that the dosing rate is now increased - but I can't remember the details.
Thanks in advance for any advice on this.
Sun Mar 16, 2008, 01:30 AM
25mg/l (or 250mg/10L) is the correct dose in food 1g metro /100g of food
Sun Mar 16, 2008, 02:12 AM
Mon Mar 31, 2008, 10:31 AM
Just a quick question.. Can Metro harm Discus if there's nothing wrong with them.????
Tue Apr 15, 2008, 01:33 AM
How about of the dose rate of Prazi is in liquid form? Such as something like PraziGuard
Tue Apr 15, 2008, 01:49 AM
giving metro to a healthy fish wont harm it, but you run the risk of breeding up your own unique strain of resistant organisum, if that happens when you need to use metro it wont work. the same goes for Prazi, thats the reason flukes are now resistant to it.
Tue Aug 19, 2008, 06:11 PM
Metro + BN = Dead BN
I learnt the hard way, and it only took an hour before one BN was belly up...
What's BN?
Tue Aug 19, 2008, 11:05 PM
BN = Bristlenose
Wed Aug 20, 2008, 08:12 AM
giving metro to a healthy fish wont harm it, but you run the risk of breeding up your own unique strain of resistant organisum, if that happens when you need to use metro it wont work. the same goes for Prazi, thats the reason flukes are now resistant to it. I thought that it was recommended to worm discus every 6 months, using Big L & prazi :?: :?: :?: Is this wrong :?: :?: :?:
Wed Aug 20, 2008, 10:27 AM
Metro is an antibiotic. You should never give it to your fish "just in case". Keep it for times of real need, to treat a bacterial infection.
Worming your fish on a regular basis IS RECOMMENDED. Big L and prazi are worm treatments, and quite safe to use.
Prazi eradicates gill and body flukes, as well as tapeworm.
Big L is for nematodes, like roundworm, threadworm etc.
You should give your fish a break of at least a week between worm treatments.
Wed Aug 20, 2008, 01:41 PM
Thanks for clearing that up for me Merrilyn.
When I worm, I follow the 4 week Big L / Prazi plan on the sticky, here on this forum. Plus, metro is too darn hard to get hold of, to even consider using it "just in case".
Fri Aug 29, 2008, 03:21 AM
Hi David,
The dosage rates I have here are Metronidazol 1gm Metro per 100gms of food fed 3 times a day for 3 days. Prazi 400mg per 100gms of food fed for a week.
Hi have got 50mg tablets of Drocit (Prazi).
Can i grind up 8 of these and add to 100g of food.
Is this still the best dose rate in food?
Sat Nov 01, 2008, 12:51 AM
um, i think my fry have fluke. I am treating them with prazi at the moment. The instruction said to do water change after 2 days (48hours). I thought that for fry tank, its necessary to do 50% water change every day....
10 mins after treatment...... sigh* three of the fry are on the bottom of the tank. I have increased the oxygen rate... please any suggestion...advice? sigh*
Sat Nov 01, 2008, 01:37 AM
I think you might need to place this in illness and medication.
Tue Nov 04, 2008, 11:09 AM
I think you might need to place this in illness and medication.
thanks lpiasente! discus fry are ok now, normal breathing.... yay.. no more gill fluke.... I cant wait till them grow a bit bigger... they are soo adorable
Sat Jan 31, 2009, 06:29 AM
I have been given this information from a lps and just thought I would post it and see what everyone thinks. I haven't used it, but it sure sounds easy. 1x100mg tablets of prazi in 1.75ml of ethanol or metho. mix with 3.25ml distilled water. Add 5-10ml solution to 250ml of water, then add live worms. Leave standing for 10 to 20 minutes and feed to fish. All done
Old Dave
Sun May 10, 2009, 01:17 AM
The dosage rates I have here are Metronidazol 1gm Metro per 100gms of food fed 3 times a day for 3 days. Prazi 400mg per 100gms of food fed for a week.
1 of Mrs Old Dave's discus seems to be exhibiting symtoms of flukes, but I would like to treat all the fish in the tank with 100mg Fluke & Tapeworm tablets.
Firstly, the label says use with caution in tanks containing catfish (corydoras sp). Any others?
I have a GS pleco & a clown loach in the tank and some corydoras and cardinals in a quarrantine tank ready to join them.
My main question is about how to use the prazi tablets.
If I add 1x100mg tablet to 25ml of water and soak NLS pellets in the solution to absorb most of the liquid is this likely to be successful?
I like the post from lpiasente but I still suspect worms & beefheart can also be sources of unwanted nasties.
The principle is the same but without the metho. :shock:
Thanks in Advance,
Old Dave
Wed Jun 17, 2009, 04:11 AM
25mg/l (or 250mg/10L) is the correct dose
in food 1g metro /100g of food Jothy, is this still the dose of metro in the water 250mg / 10L that we should be using?
Wed Jun 17, 2009, 05:25 AM
that dose is stil correct metro in water = 25mg/L (250mg/10L)
in food 1g/100g (Andrew soh has since told me up to 2g/100g is ok)
as flagellets are becoming more and more resistant to metro the exposure time seems to be more important, i treat every 48hrs with a 50% change inbetween for 10days (5 treatment in total each @ 25mg/L) with new fish, with my long standing pairs 3 treatments 48hrs apart seems to still work fine
Wed Jun 17, 2009, 06:06 AM
Thanks Jothy
So if I am dosing 40L, I need 1000mg per dose, right?
I've read recently that the active ingredient of the metro is basically gone in 8hrs & DPH recommends dosing every 8hrs (but at a lower rate of 500mg per 10USG).
Others have recommended redosing every 24hrs. But every 48hrs should be enough?
I am a bit dense today Jothy & can't work out how you get to 95 treatments. If you are dosing for 10 days, with the re-dose frequency every 48hrs - isn't that only 5 doses?
Wed Jun 17, 2009, 06:12 AM
40L = 1000g sorry 95 was a typo fixed now, if your doing daily changes then redose 25mg/L after every change, just keep it up for a full 10days.
Wed Jun 17, 2009, 06:18 AM
Thanks for clearing that up for me Merrilyn.
When I worm, I follow the 4 week Big L / Prazi plan on the sticky, here on this forum. Plus, metro is too darn hard to get hold of, to even consider using it "just in case".
Get really friendly with your GP :D Mine is happy to give me a script for my fish every so often... Don't think anyone can get high on taking it :P
Mon Aug 24, 2009, 11:41 PM
"Metronidazol 1gm Metro per 100gms of food fed 3 times a day for 3 days"
I would like to ask, is it possible to freeze the 100gms of food that has Metro mixed into it?
It's because I can't feed 100gms in one go so I thought maybe i can freeze the left overs and save for next meal?
Would there be any effects on the medication if it is freezed?
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