View Full Version : Calcium reactor (inline) and filtration question

Wed Aug 24, 2005, 02:53 PM
Hi everybody,

I'm currently doing a little investigative work prior to purchasing equipment for a Discus tank that i want to set up. The tank is to be a display with a moderate to heavy planting along with driftwood and fake rock to line the back and sides of the aquarium (rather than a back drop). I want it to look as natural as possible....in relation to the tank (i have another post asking about this) i think i have decided to go a 6ft long X 2ft wide X 2.5ft high. Now i'm thinking about the filtration.

With those dimensions, and if i've done the number crunching right, the total volume will be about 810 litres. A friend, who has been involved with Discus in the past suggested i use two large canister filters, and if i wished a bio ball setup. With the bioball setup i thought about constructing something similar to a sump in a marine tank. The unit would be totally sealed so it wouldnt overflow. The sump would be divided into a series of open ended 'rows' so that the water would go in one end and flow up and down the 'rows' to maximise the contact with the bioballs and then return to the tank via a pump. On the supply line i had planned on putting a safety valve so that if power stopped to the pump then the valve would automatically shut off the siphon feed. I am hoping to have everything contained in one spot so i was thinking about incorporating the heaters in this sump along with a CO2 injector...BUT...what does CO2 do for the aquarium? is it simply for plant growth or does it also serve a purpose in pH balance etc? What is the basic function of this and does anyone have any plans for how to make one that would be able to 'inject' the CO2 in to the sump water? I want to do as much of this DIY as possible...

What are peoples thoughts on the ideas? my only major concern about that idea at this stage is the heaters in the sump....i'm thinking about making the sump out of acrylic.

Again sorry for so many questions but i want to get this right the first time....

Thanks for your patience