View Full Version : Planted Tank Story *Updated 10/04/06* 56k beware
Mon Aug 22, 2005, 11:54 AM
i have swapped rooms with my brother so i have decided on changing my plans to down size my aquarium. My new plans are to make my 6ft into a bare bottom planted tank and slowing have gravel and more plants into a fully planted tank. With all my plants that i have i dont use i will be putting them into a 18 inch cube tank for my rams.
I have two 150 watt MH's and 2 130 watt PCs, a fully persurized co2 system and uvc unit all connect inline with 2 404's. So for the mean time i am going to move my co2 system to the 18 inch tank and one of the PCs to make it a mini planted for my rams,
But with my current setup i have alot of algae growing in my driftwood that i plan to use in the BB. So is srcubing it and leaving it in the sun for a couple of weeks the only option to kill it?
I would love to try to attach plants to all of them, like java ferns and anubias. So do i just attach them with string, think it would be the best way. Any other ideas?
EDIT: Have decided to keep this as a journal for my new plant tank, well its an old setup just starting again
Mon Aug 22, 2005, 12:20 PM
Only today i just poured bleach over my wood left it for a couple of minute's, then srubbed a little with scourer(spelling) then a good rinsing then straight back into the tank.
To attach fern's ect use fine fishing line.
It would look good especialy with the nice wood you have.
Sat Aug 27, 2005, 10:39 PM
would some cories be ok in a bare bottom planted tank?
Sat Aug 27, 2005, 11:14 PM
Yeah cories can go in a bare bottom tank....but they do like to have gravel to search for food in so im not to sure they would be happy.......... :(
Sat Aug 27, 2005, 11:38 PM
i use bleach as well, on all my rock's
the problem is if you have a single algee spore hit the water, its all back again
you should (if you want to get rid of it forever-ish) clean with bleach and then add uv
allthough this is another expense :?
..................... using bleach will get rid of the problem now :wink:
Sun Aug 28, 2005, 12:26 AM
your cories will be fine in bb tank. i keep mine all in bb tank
Sun Aug 28, 2005, 04:52 AM
well i actually already hava uv unit a pondmaster 36 watt. Yea ill get a couple and see how they go
Mon Aug 29, 2005, 11:43 AM
K dont some reading and i know that BB tanks are easier to keep clean and all the rest but if i want to make it a fully planted tank later on, wouldnt i better to have the gravel in there from the first place? so when i do go to added the more plants adding gravel wont stree them out as much?, or they should be ok
Thu Sep 01, 2005, 09:03 PM
BB/s are heaps easier to keep clean, some keep it BB til you want to go planted
when you go planted you will need some time to get all the aspects of planting and aquascaping right
you may need a temporary home for your fish in this time
Sun Sep 04, 2005, 12:44 PM
We have a BB tank, but we got some little glazed ceramic pots from the reject shop and just filled them up with gravel and put them in the tank along with some wood with plabts on.
Sun Sep 04, 2005, 12:49 PM
yea i have got some pots. im thinking of delaying gettiing the discus untill i get the planted tank up and going. its not going to be a major planted tank ,just enough lol. hopefully starting it tomorrow.
I already have alot of driftwood and the plan is two attach java ferns to its and plant heaps of crypts, anubias and swords and stuff around the tank, and maybe get some hair glasss for a carpet if the glosso i have dosent work.
I wanna make my 18inch cube for my rams when just glosso and anubias with some drfitwood, but have to get it pass my mum lol
Fri Sep 09, 2005, 11:57 AM
well i have started the new life for my planted tank. I was using a 72x25x25 with centre weir before but i have moved that to my dads and swap him for his standard 180 gallon no holes, bare tank.
For subtrate i am using tiny gravel, it its like between 1-2mm brown gravel. i was using jbl aqua basic but it isnt the best for moving stuff around. But i have kept some to put into pots afor plants like lotus and stuff and hide them in the gravel or may just add the ball things.
I already have some nice bits of wood that im going to attach ferns and anubias to. At first not going for much just want to get the levels right and slowing add fish plants to it. For ferts i havin yet decide on what to do, i have some bags of greg wastons ferts that i was going to use on the tank before but have to do some more research on them first.
The plan for fish is maybe discus with hopefully some altums aswell as apistos with heaps of bristles and other plecs. i already have four 5cm peppermints aswell as some commons and some rams.
For co2 i have a fully presureized system with milwakee sms122 ph controller and also have a uvc unit and they run inline with my two 404s.
For lighting i have 2 150watt mhs and 2 130watt Pc compacts wwith some cooling fans
But before all of this gets going i already have problems
The tank has a small leak so have to fix that and i have all my plants already in casue the LFS order them in 2 weeks early and they are in my 18inch cube with some of my fish, hope everything survives lol. well update with pictures when i can
Sun Sep 11, 2005, 11:04 AM
k tank is now sealed and full of water and has two heaters on it. i have 90% of my plants that i already have in there. I am trying to get another filter so i will hook the whole system up when i get one, maybe end of week. dont worry there is only plants in the tank, no fish. Wiill post as pic 2morrow
Mon Sep 12, 2005, 11:31 AM
Sry i dont have a good resizing programs this is best way to view them.
Before water and trying to arrange the wood
Just my driftwood with some anubias and java ferns on it, well tied down
hopefully have discus in there early next year when tank settles down and evens out.
Mon Sep 12, 2005, 11:55 AM
Aussie, I added the pic for you. The tank looks wonderful.
Mon Sep 12, 2005, 11:57 AM
thanx lady red should improve with time, still have to hooks so some up ei filters co2 and uv unit just wanting for some parts to come in and have to finish the wiring for the lights
Mon Sep 12, 2005, 11:58 AM
4 metal halide ?? But how come the tank doesnt look that bright ?
Is it just the picture ?
Mon Sep 12, 2005, 09:09 PM
nar its 2 150watt mhs and 2 130watt power compacts.well if the hood had its doors and lid on looks 100% alot brighter
Tue Sep 27, 2005, 11:01 AM
I how have the tank running at 100%, The filters, lights, co2 and uv are all running. Well i was running all my lights giving me 3wpg but now have cut back to running only 2 130 watt PCs due to a brown aglae atttack. I do believe the aglae attack is dude to levels are all over the place, but i dont any any test strips left so im going to sydney on friday to get some aswell as some other stuff.
I have added some moe java ferns and some anubias, which will have to be attached to wood, but with the aglae attack im just holding off from doing that yet. I added 3 peppermints 5 ottos and 1 normal bristle nose, the cats are only small about 5-6 cm, but tomorrrow im getting to pairs of commonbrstles about 10cm to breed and help out with the algae, alot there for them. If i find some ottos on my trip on friday ill get some more, love these guys.
So hopefully on the weekend i will be starting to add my ferts, bit hard without any testing gear lol.
I am using plantex which is a dry powder fert by greg watson really good and alot cheaper.
So here are some pics,
This is only with the two PCs running and its dirty cause i was trying to remove some algae
bit of the algae
Tue Sep 27, 2005, 11:55 AM
That's looking gorgeous. Love the bent branches.
Tue Sep 27, 2005, 12:42 PM
Looking good Aussie.
Put some more plants, fast grower's to out compete the algea.
Wed Sep 28, 2005, 09:27 AM
yea going shopping on friday for some good fast grower's, added the pair of bristles today, female is nice and fat and he thinks she is about to lay, cant wait.
Sun Oct 23, 2005, 11:30 AM
well im back,
i have added another piece of driftwood that i got in sydney. Have added a trio of bristlenose about 9cm. But at the moment tank levels are a bit unstable and im waiting on some more test strips to come, then i will start adding ferts, so atm i have a bit of algae and they bristles and ottos are munchin out some it isnt that bad.
Here are some pics
MY smaller bristle
My stud male about 11cm
And again
One of the Ottos
One fat female
tank shot from about 3 weeks ago, havent have a chance to take another since but will get onto it
Mon Oct 24, 2005, 11:15 PM
Looks awesome great photos! When that tanks gets older....... :)
Sun Nov 27, 2005, 11:04 AM
new plants and new fish, After visiting mattzilla to pick up my new Salousi colony i went over to SLS to have a loo at some fish and decided to get some fish why i was there.
I got:
2 blue diamonds
2 Blue Turqs
2 San merahs
There are only small about 6-7cm in dia.
And from my LFS got a few diffferent plants and fish
Full tank shot
cory 1 of 4
4 out of 6 group shot
Group shot with the bristle, he loves the camera
Blue diamond
San Merah
Poor guy, with a deformed eye, didnt know until i was watching them today
Blue Turq
Thats it for now
Sun Nov 27, 2005, 11:34 AM
Very awersome fish there mate and nice tank!!
Sun Nov 27, 2005, 11:34 AM
Now that's a beautiful tank :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
Sun Nov 27, 2005, 11:37 AM
One other thing with your M/H lights did you DIY yourself or did you buy them from a shop ... if DIY could you let me know how much was each light and what was the end cost for that M/H set up.... looking spectaular though...... :P
Mon Nov 28, 2005, 07:04 AM
well i got mine from the LFS, but if you go to an electrical store and ask for them, as i found out 2 weeks later for about $130 each
Wed Dec 14, 2005, 01:00 PM
Cheers mate might have to get myself some M/H LOL :shock:
Wed Dec 28, 2005, 02:14 AM
Hi Aussiestar, maybe a little late (seen the new photo's, very nice)
But a quicker way to get rid of the algue is to stick the pieces of wood (if it's fit) in the oven
I did it also, and after that it was clean....very clean
Heat up the oven to a 200 a 225 degrees celsius, take the wet wood (straight out of aquarium) and stick it in the oven.
Stay with it and wait untill the wood gets dry (will take some minutes) then maybe 30 (max 60) seconds more and take it out.
Rinse with cold water and clean with hard brush....
It did work great for me
Ps. I have turbo oven (such one with ventilator)
Mon Apr 10, 2006, 11:42 AM
well it has been a while, but the tank has really changed that much. Im planing on down sizing it to a 4x2 to get some more space in my room, but i thinking off changing at few things with it first, maybe a bare bottom with heaps of driftwood and plants.
Well this wa before xmas i think
but sad;y i had a major parasite attack which i loss 3 discus my pair of rams and some ottos, i think it was on some new plants i added. I dont know how casue i was them and kept them in a spare tank for a week before adding like i do to all off my new stock, so im not sure.
But atm it looks like this
i currently have a bit of a black hair attack whick is on about 50% of my plants so when they go into the new tank they wll be a bit of a chop.
Mon Apr 10, 2006, 11:56 AM
That is stunning Aussie,That sword is huge.
Mon Apr 10, 2006, 11:03 PM
For all those plant gurus.... just wondering whats a realistic time frame before the fishing line is covered by plant growth?
is there another plant you can suggest that will grow like a weed and give us the effect we are after.?
Tue Apr 11, 2006, 07:04 AM
well took me about 3 weeks, i grow java ferns anubias and have grown some moss on there and it all works
Yer thanks duck i had 3 is there but broke 2 up and trade for some fish food with the LFS
Tue Apr 11, 2006, 09:45 AM
Awesome tank :D
Great layout and plant selection IMO.
Sun Jun 04, 2006, 11:30 AM
Well today i started the jorney of downsizing my tank and building it into my wardorbe. I only have 2 shirts that i normally hang in there and all my other crap, which pretty much got put in the rubbish bin.
Ready to start to build
Frame finished, it is bolted into the studs through the pasterboard stuff and has leg supports aswell. All timber is 90x45 Rad. pine. plus a sheet of MDF
Using the MDF to shit on top on the frame, doors with finish flush underneath it and kinda same on top but different lol.
Tank sitting on top, just needs the doors, Electrical work and finishing touches done, hopfully next weekend
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