View Full Version : A few more pics of my discus

Mon Aug 22, 2005, 10:15 AM
Here are a few more pics of some of my discus.


Mon Aug 22, 2005, 10:18 AM
nice fish and a good looking tank

Mon Aug 22, 2005, 10:19 AM
Ur just tryin to make us all jealous :evil: LOL

Mon Aug 22, 2005, 10:28 AM

I finally took one of the turk I bought from you. She is still in fine health but has not spawned yet.


If I had my own digital camera I would have tried to take some better quality shots. It was a borrowed camera and I had no idea how to use it as you can probably see by the quality of the shots. I would have liked to get a shot of the full tank as all of the shots have only been of half the tank.

Benny hopefully will be able to come to my place this week to take some more pics with his camera.

I still want to add some more plants to the rear of the tank, cabomba or ambulia etc to fill it out.

Thanks for all your kind comments.


I think it is time to buy a digital camera.