View Full Version : Heating Question

Thu Aug 11, 2005, 09:50 AM
Has anybody noticed that tanks with a sump (trickle) filter are harder to heat.
I think this is because as the water trickles down the Bio balls and is exposed to air the water cools down making the heaters work overtime.

Is it just me or do others have a similar problem.


Thu Aug 11, 2005, 10:46 AM
a way to stop it would be to make a cover for the sump and have lids on the tank. also if possible have the sump in an enclosed space


Thu Aug 11, 2005, 12:18 PM
Lots of places for the water to become exposed to cool air with a sump. Yes, your heater will have to work harder, either that, or have a heater in your sump, and another in the tank.

Thu Aug 11, 2005, 10:09 PM
Thanks Goldenpigeon and Merrilyn.

Good idea Goldenpigeon about making an encloser to help keep the heat in.
I was thinking the same thing but wasn't sure if it would help.
I'll go to Bunnings today and I'll also insulate it with foam if I can.

Merrilyn I'm using a 300w Jager and a 300w external Hydor. I've had this tank for about a year now but never actually used it until now. I'm getting some young discus from Oxheart and have been cycling the tank cold for the last 5 weeks. About a week ago I turned both heaters on and they heated the tank no problems to about 28-29c. But with this extra cold weather we are having they are struggling to keep it about 24-25c. I've tried putting the Jager in the sump and in the main tank but it makes no difference.
I'll build an encloser for the sump and see if that helps. I do have a spare heater so if I need to I will run 3 300w heaters but I hope that's not neccessay once the sumps enclosed.

Again thanks guys helpful as always.


Fri Aug 12, 2005, 05:35 AM
It may be harder to heat BUT in the summer they keep the tank cooler

so insulate it in winter

open it up in summer :wink: