View Full Version : Soeme beginner questions
Tue May 04, 2004, 06:48 AM
I'm currently setting up a 4x2x2foot tank that is a built-in system. I have a metal halide light (500W) and I am purchasing a Eheim 2229 as I wanted to setup a marine tank but with the current rennovations at home (and the main fact that my wife is the Minister for Finance - I do love her though!), we don't really have the spare $$$ for the marines at the moment.
I have been doing a fair bit of internet searching as to what tropical fish species I would like have have in this tank - I've had tropicals for the last five years. I would really like a planted tank with colourful fish to utilise the light intensity I have available to me. If anyone could help me with the following concerns/questions, I'd be forever greatful!
1. I've heard on the grape vine that discus are pretty sensitive to water quality and hence bi-weekly water changes are required.
2. Will the light intensity be too much for discus (are they shy fish).
3. Are there any particular species that are better than others (for whatever reason)?
4. How many fish can be kept in a 120g tank?
5. What other tropical species are suited to be companions to discus?
Tue May 04, 2004, 09:41 AM
1. I've heard on the grape vine that discus are pretty sensitive to water quality and hence bi-weekly water changes are required.
Depends, with a planted tank it is said that water changes are less frequent but i found that because i used a UG that there was alot of mess stuck under the plates causing high nitrates and in turn more water changes for me! There is no common rule for water changes but its as simple as the more water changes the more happier your fish will be and they will reward you with vibrant colors and a graceful apperance. There is no such thing as too many water changes, aslong as the water your changing is the same ph temp etc.
2. Will the light intensity be too much for discus (are they shy fish).
Discus arn't really a shy fish but they dont like bright lights, if it is heavly planted there should be alot of the light blocked out aswell as giving them a place too hide. I have found in my planted tank they like to sit under the arch of driftwood where it casts a shadow, dont know if this is because of the light or its just their spot. So aslong as you have some coverage and hiding spots they will be fine.
3. Are there any particular species that are better than others (for whatever reason)?
Better? Physically no. Its all personal opinion, of course new strains will costs more, but with characteristics i wouldnt say a Leopard spotted snakeskin is no harder too keep than a turq. Its all about supply and demand, when fish are popular and everyone wants them the price will come down as the market gets flooded with them, but there is always a new strain. Then again some breeders like to sell all their fish at the same price but this is hard to come by, most know what a fish is worth.
4. How many fish can be kept in a 120g tank?
They say 10gals per 1 adult fish, so thats 12 but take away the room for plants gravel and other decor and i wouldnt go more than 10.
5. What other tropical species are suited to be companions to discus?
There are many tank mates for Discus but it varies between person too person. For example ive heard of bristlenoses attaching to discus but i have 3 in my tank and have never had a problem. Another one with cory's many people say they are too active and scare the discus, in my tank the discus were curious for about a day and then got over it. It all depends but you want a timid fish that does well in the higher temperatures. Cardinal Tetra, rams, Bn's any smaller fish that wont bother the discus. On the other hand dont go too small or otherwise it will be lunch for your discus.
Anyway HTH and good luck.
Wed May 05, 2004, 03:11 PM
I have a planted tank with discus, they are now hand feeding from me and arent all that scared unless I run through the house and bang the glass :P
a 4X2 is perfect for discus and a planted tank, it allows for alot of water! so much more than a standard 4!
With the light intensity you're talking you should definitely consider carbon dioxide injection. Carbon is one of the most scarce but most used elements used by plants, it is in high concentrations in the air (which is why plants thrive on the ground) but is in small amounts in the water, which is why boosting the amount by using injected carbon dioxide will really spur the growth of your plants... over lighting (i.e more light than the plants need to grow) can cause algae outbreaks.
1. I've heard on the grape vine that discus are pretty sensitive to water quality and hence bi-weekly water changes are required.
I don't think they are THAT sensitive, I am doing water changes out of the tap (note dont do this at home!).. especially with such a big tank you wont have particularly huge fluctuations..
I do however do bi-weekly 50% water changes.. especially as I feed beefheart 3 times a day. You really need to keep water changes up because to grow discus out you need a) clean water and b) lots of food.. this generally doesnt really sit with plants who grow algae very quickly.. It is very easy to stunt discus in a planted tank by under feeding and under water changing.
Another tip is to minimise the number of fish in your tank.. I have maybe 30 rummy nose, 5 congos, 7 corys and 6 discus in the tank in a 1200 litre tank.. this maximises your water quality for both your plants (reduced phosphates and nitrates from food which can cause algae outbreaks).
2. Will the light intensity be too much for discus (are they shy fish).
I would be abit wary of metal halides, as I have read that the ripple shadows caused by metal halides can cause discus to hide all day... the guy who did this swapped over to fluoros and his discus suddenly started coming out to play :P there are many exceptions to the rule of course :)
4. How many fish can be kept in a 120g tank?
In a planted tank... you don't really want to be overloading the tank with fish.. You have to make the decision of either a heavily planted low fish tank which will look more 'natural' or a fish tank, which you can stock 10 fish in.. I would recommend 6 in a 4x2 with other fish.
5. What other tropical species are suited to be companions to discus?
I keep them with - corys, rummy noses, congo tetras, peppermints bristlenoses... etc
Size is important, Kevkoi once told me 'cardinal tetras are the bad tasting neons, because discus just seem to love eating neons' :P
the temperature is an issue too, fish that can tolerate the heat (28 degrees) should be kept, but not those which cant (i.e some corydoras species)
as a side note, have a look at Takashi Amano's works for some inspiration on planted tanks!
Wed May 05, 2004, 07:26 PM
A good website to go to is It has a forum for ALL possible questions you could have about your plants. Just send them a few questions and you'll have multiple ways to solve some problems.
Thu May 13, 2004, 11:26 PM
Thanks for all your help folks. I'm pretty sure what I require to setup the tank properly. You can be sure as tomorrow follows today that I'll be back asking the questions when things go pear shaped. Lets hope that it's an occaisonal cry for help!
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